NinoTnc update

On my very expensive scoop (hi) you see a packet frame @ 1200 Baud received from a station about 50 kilometers away. Looks fine to me.

After updating the Firmware from version V2.35 to V2.81 I see a good increase in the decoded frames.

How to update the Firmware

chmod +x

tarpnflash usb
* My Ninotnc is connected to ttyACM0.
tarpnflash version ttyACM0
* Is there a newer version available in the dir "ninotnc" you can run.
tarpnflash flash ttyACM0 (version number)
* Now the Firmware is being updated.
* Check if the flash of the firmware went well.
tarpflash version ttyACM0
* Great now running Version v2.81
/dev/ttyACM0 NinoTNC v2.81

I immediately built my second NinoTNC. I am very curious how that works with IL2P mode, Improved Layer 2 Protocol. In the picture below, the two NinoTnc`s are running at 2400 Baud with IL2P mode. Functions perfectly. Now I have some problems with adjusting to 4800 and 9600 Baud. I have to look into this.


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