John G8BPQ is the Creator and Maintainer of the BPQ32 Software.
The BPQ32 software comes in different flavors.
- Windows
- Linux
- RaspBian
Stable versions
To download the lastest version for Windows follow this link. (CLICK)
If you more a Linux fan you can download here te lastest version. (CLICK)
Or if you just love to play with a Rasperry you can get the newest version here. (CLICK)
The collection of items that deal with the aspects of Bpq32 and related software.
- Aprs Weather Beacon
- Guide…BPQ User and Sysop Commands
- Installing Direwolf and LinBPQ on Raspian Stretch
- Fldigi and BPQ32
- Bpq32 log options
- Linbpq application interface
- Linbpq with winmor port
- Complex BPQ32.cfg from N9LYA
- Direwolf and Linbpq with Systemd
- BPQ32.CFG example PI1BDG/PI8BDG
- Bpq32.cfg Configuration with a SCS Tracker
- SCS tracker driver for BPQ32
- Forward from Linbpq through Uronode to FBB
- Bind Linbpq to a AX25 Interface
- Installing Linbpq on the Rasperry Pi and TNC-Pi of Beaglebone Black and TNC-Black
- Howto install Linbpq on a Rapberry Pi
- Bpq32 Ardop Configuration
- Bpq32 Configuration example
- Watchdog with Linbpq
Bpq32 port configuration examples.
- BPQ32 Example Kiss Port
- BPQ32 Example Kiss Tracker port
- BPQ32 Example Direwolf port
- BPQ32 Example Telnet port
- BPQ32 Example AXIP port
- BPQ32 Example Winmor port
- BPQ32 Example ARDOP port
- BPQ32 Example Vara port
- BPQ32 Example Soundmodem port
- BPQ32 Example SCS Tracker (robust packet) port
- BPQ32 Example SCS Tracker (1k2 packet) port
- BPQ32 Example FLDigi port