I came across the website of R.C. Anderson WH6FQE.
Here he has a nice configuration example of BPQ32, windows version. I asked him if he thought it was okay that I placed it on my website. This was not a problem.
Sit back and enjoy.
***************************** START OF FILE ***************************************** /* This begins a multi-line comment - UPDATED OCT 20, 2019 CONFIGURATION FILE FOR BPQ32: G8BPQ SWITCH SOFTWARE FOR WH6FQE Port 1: AX/IP/UDP Internet Linking User - BBS / DTN Node Forwarding Port Port 2: BPQ Telnet Server - High-Speed Internet Port Port 3: APRS Port - APRS Digipeater & IGATE Port 4: PACTOR Port - HF Winlink RMS Gateway ;Port 5: WINMOR Port - HF Winlink RMS Gateway ;Port 6: ARDOP Port - HF Winlink RMS Gateway - OFFLINE Port 7: VHF Packet-Radio Port - VHF Winlink RMS,BBS, and BPQ Chat VHF gateway Web Server: wh6fqe.ddns.net:8012/Node/NodeIndex.html BPQ Node Map: WH6FQE-1 WH6FQE.DDNS.NET UDP 10093 B */ This ends a multi-line comment SIMPLE PASSWORD=**************** LOCATOR=BL11AJ66MT NODECALL=WH6FQE-1 NODEALIAS=HIHUB IDMSG: ; UI broadcast text from NODECALL to fixed dest ID WH6FQE - DTN Pacific Region Hub & BPQ Packet Node in Honolulu, HI *** ; Denotes end of IDMSG text BTEXT: ; UI broadcast text from BCALL to destination UNPROTO= WH6FQE - DTN Pacific Region Hub & BPQ Packet Node in Honolulu, HI *** ; Denotes end of BTEXT text INFOMSG: ; The INFO command text follows: Welcome to the WH6FQE DTN Pacific Region Hub & BPQ Packet Node in Honolulu, HI HIBBS:WH6FQE BBS HIHUB:WH6FQE-1 DTN Pacific Region Hub HIAPRS:WH6FQE-3 APRS Digipeater and iGate HICHAT:WH6FQE-5 BPQ Chat Server HISAT:WH6FQE-6 SatGate Satellite APRS Ground Station HIRMS:WH6FQE-10 WinLink RMS Gateway Thanks for visiting. ...Aloha and 73`s RC WH6FQE *** ; Denotes end of INFOMSG text CTEXT: ; The CTEXT text follows: WH6FQE - DTN Pacific Region Hub & BPQ Packet Node in Honolulu, HI HIHUB:WH6FQE-1} RMS BBS CONNECT BYE INFO NODES PORTS ROUTES USERS MHEARD *** ; Denotes end of CTEXT text FULL_CTEXT=0 ; 0=send CTEXT to L2 connects to NODEALIAS only ; 1=send CTEXT to all connectees ;----------------------------------------------- NETWORK SYSTEM PARAMETERS ---------------------------------------- NODESINTERVAL=25 ; Nodes broadcast interval in minutes IDINTERVAL=10 ; 'IDMSG' UI broadcast interval in minutes, 0=OFF BTINTERVAL=60 ; The BTEXT broadcast interval in minutes, 0=OFF MAXLINKS=63 ; Max level 2 links MAXNODES=200 ; Max nodes in nodes table MAXROUTES=64 ; Max adjacent nodes MAXCIRCUITS=128 ; Max L4 circuits MINQUAL=85 ; Minimum quality to add to nodes table ;----------------------------------------------------------- AX / IP/ UDP PORT ---------------------------------------------------- PORT PORTNUM=1 ID=AX/IP/UDP DRIVER=BPQAXIP ; Uses BPQAXIP.DLL QUALITY=200 ; Quality factor applied to node broadcasts heard on ; this port, unless overridden by a locked route ; entry. Setting to 0 stops node broadcasts MINQUAL=0 ; Entries in the nodes table with qualities greater or ; equal to MINQUAL will be sent on this port. A value ; of 0 sends everything. MAXFRAME=7 ; Max outstanding frames (1 thru 7) FRACK=7000 ; Level 2 timout in milliseconds RESPTIME=1000 ; Level 2 delayed ack timer in milliseconds RETRIES=10 ; Level 2 maximum retry value UNPROTO=ID ; BTEXT broadcast addrs format: DEST[,digi1[,digi2]] BCALL=WH6FQE-1 ; BTEXT call. unstated defaults to APPL1CALL CONFIG UDP 10093 ;Listens for UDP packets on this UDP port number UDP 10092 MHEARD ON ; AUTOADDMAP BROADCAST NODES BROADCAST ID MAP VK4QC-1 VK4QC.DDNS.NET UDP 10093 B MAP K0ZCO-1 K0ZCO.DDNS.NET UDP 10093 B MAP W5KAV-1 W5KAV.DDNS.NET UDP 10093 B MAP N3HYM-5 N3HYM.DDNS.NET UDP 10092 B MAP N9LCF-4 UDP 10093 B MAP W9GM-7 W9GM.DDNS.NET UDP 10093 B MAP KC9VYU-7 kc9vyu.4920north.com UDP 10093 B MAP KK5QT-1 KK5QT.DDNS.NET UDP 10093 B MAP PE1RRR-7 Z.RED-HEAT.COM UDP 10093 B MAP AC9HP AC9HP.SOFTETHER.NET UDP 10093 B MAP KE0GB-7 KE0GB.DDNS.NET UDP 10093 B MAP N9PMO-2 N9PMO.NO-IP.ORG UDP 10093 B MAP N7HPX-2 UDP 10093 B MAP ZS6RO-14 WWW.HAM-RADIO.CO.ZA UDP 10093 B MAP DB0NTS-8 DB0NTS.SPDNS.ORG UDP 10093 B MAP W0LVJ-8 UDP 10093 B MAP VK6RR-1 VK6RR.DDNS.NET UDP 10093 B MAP LU4ECL-4 LU4ECL.ZAPTO.ORG UDP 10093 B MAP W4WWS-2 W4WWS.DDNS.NET UDP 10093 B ENDPORT ;-------------------------------------------------- BPQ TELNET SERVER PORT -------------------------------------------- PORT PORTNUM=2 ID=Telnet DRIVER=Telnet QUALITY=0 CONFIG CMS=1 CMSCALL=WH6FQE CMSPASS=**************** RELAYAPPL=BBS LOGGING=1 DisconnectOnClose=1 TCPPORT=8010 FBBPORT=8011 HTTPPORT=8012 LOGINPROMPT=user: PASSWORDPROMPT=password: MAXSESSIONS=15 CTEXT=Welcome to WH6FQE's Telnet Server\nEnter ? for list of commands\n\n USER=WH6FQE,52983771RAnderson,WH6FQE,"",sysop ENDPORT /* ;---------------------------------------------------------------- APRS PORT --------------------------------------------------------- APRSDIGI APRSCall WH6FQE-6 StatusMsg= Oahu Hawaii SatGate Symbol=S ; Icon to display for station. Default is House if omitted Symset=\ ;Specify a Dest and Path for each port you want to use for APRS. No dest means receive only port ;Ports without an APRSPath statement will not be used by the Digi APRSPATH 1=ARISS,SGATE,WIDE2-2 APRSPATH 2= ; Receive only port APRSPATH 3=ARISS,SGATE,WIDE2-2 APRSPATH 4=ARISS,SGATE,WIDE2-2 BeaconInterval=4 ; Send Beacon every 4 minute ; Define Crossport Digi. For each port, a list of ports to send a packet to (IS means send to APRS-IS) ; If a Digimap isn`t specified for a port, digi out on the port the packet arrived on, ; and send to APRS-IS (if enabled) ; If you want to digi on same port, but not send to APRS-IS, Specify Digimap n=n ;Digimap 5=5,16, ; Packets from 5 to 16, but not APRS-IS Digimap 3=3,IS ; Packets from 3 to 3 and APRS-IS ;TraceCalls=WIDE,TRACE ; Calls for CALLN-n Processing with Trace TraceCalls=WIDE,IN ; Calls for CALLN-n Processing with Trace FloodCalls=FQE ; Calls for CALLN-n Processing without Trace DigiCalls=WH6FQE ; Calls for Normal (ie no SSID manipulation) Digi ; For a Local "Fillin" Digi, you could include WIDE1-1 and leave out TraceCalls and FloodCalls ReplaceDigiCalls ; Replace DigiCalls with APRSCall. Omit if you want the call to be left as it is received. MaxTraceHops=2 ; Max value of n in CALLN-n processing. If a packet is received with n greater than MaxFloodHops= ; this, the value will be replaced BEFORE it is decremented. ; GPSPort= ; if specified, lat/lon will be taken from a GPS ; GPSSpeed=9600 ; GPSSetsLocator=1 ;IGATE Params. If specified you will gate RF packets and your beacons to APRS-IS ISHost=rotate.aprs.net ; APRS-IS Host Name ISPort=14580 ; Normal port for a filtered feed ISPasscode=17321 ; If you don`t already have a passcode I can issue you one. ; WXFileName=C:\WeatherLink\WH6FQE13\WXNOW.TXT ; WXComment=WH6FQE Weather Station ; WXPortList=1,IS ; comma separated list - include IS to send to APRS-IS ; WXInterval=3 ; minutes LAT=2124.21N ; Must be in standard APRS Format LON=15756.74W ; Must be in standard APRS Format *** PORT ;145.825 SATGATE PORTNUM=3 ID=APRS SATGATE ; Displayed by PORTS command TYPE=ASYNC ; Port is RS232 Com PROTOCOL=KISS ; TNC is used in KISS mode COMPORT=14 ; # = SERIAL COM PORT SPEED=38400 ; RS232 COM PORT SPEED CHANNEL=A ; A for single channel TNC, A or B for multichannel MAXFRAME=2 ; Max outstanding frames (1 thru 7) FRACK=6000 ; Level 2 timout in milliseconds RESPTIME=1000 ; Level 2 delayed ack timer in milliseconds RETRIES=5 ; Level 2 maximum retry value PACLEN=128 ; Default max packet length for this port TXDELAY=350 ; Transmit keyup delay in milliseconds SLOTTIME=100 ; CMSA interval timer in milliseconds PERSIST=230 ; PERSIST=256/(# of transmitters-1) MINQUAL=95 ; Entries in the nodes table with qualities greater or ; equal to MINQUAL will be sent on this port. A value ; of 0 sends everything. FULLDUP=0 ; Only meaningful for KISS devices TXTAIL=0 ; TX key down, in milliseconds, at packet end QUALITY=0 ; Quality factor applied to node broadcasts heard on ; this port, unless overridden by a locked route ; entry. Setting to 0 stops node broadcasts MINQUAL=95 ; Entries in the nodes table with qualities greater or ; equal to MINQUAL will be sent on this port. A value ; of 0 sends everything. UNPROTO=: ; BTEXT broadcast addrs format: DEST[,digi1[,digi2]] BCALL=WH6FQE-6 ; BTEXT call. unstated defaults to APPL1CALL L3ONLY=0 ; 1=No user downlink connects on this port DIGIFLAG=1 ; Digipeat: 0=OFF, 1=ALL, 255=UI Only DIGIPORT=0 ; Port on which to send digi`d frames (0 = same port) USERS=0 ; Maximum number of L2 sessions, 0 = no limit KISSOPTIONS=TRACKER ENDPORT */ ;--------------------------------------------------------------- PACTOR PORT ----------------------------------------------------- PORT PORTNUM=4 ; Optional but sets port number if stated ID=PACTOR ;SCS P4 Dragon 7800 DRIVER=SCSPACTOR COMPORT=11 SPEED=115200 ; COM Port Speed INTERLOCK=4 PORTCALL=WH6FQE CONFIG APPL BBS RIGCONTROL COM10 19200 ICOM IC7300 94h PTT_SETS_INPUT AUX 8,7.1010,USB,F1,D,P1234,APPL=RMS 3,7.1044,USB,F1,D,P1234 3,10.1435,USB,F1,D,P1234,APPL=RMS 8,14.1020,USB,F1,D,P1234,APPL=RMS 3,14.1124,USB,F1,D,P1234 3,21.0915,USB,F1,D,P1234,APPL=RMS 3,28.1485,USB,F1,D,P1234,APPL=RMS **** PSKA 250 ;TX Output level. May need optimising. Default is 140 FSKA 250 # if you are using a Dragon, uncomment the following DRAGON MAXLEVEL=3 # To comply with US regulations, the Dragon will be limited to P3. If your administration permits P4, # also add MAXLEVEL=4 MYCALL WH6FQE-10 WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,www.winlink.org,8778,WH6FQE,BL11AJ,00-23,07102500,P123, 85,30,0,0 WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,www.winlink.org,8778,WH6FQE,BL11AJ,00-23,10145000,P123, 85,30,0,0 WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,www.winlink.org,8778,WH6FQE,BL11AJ,00-23,14103500,P123, 85,30,0,0 WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,www.winlink.org,8778,WH6FQE,BL11AJ,00-23,21093000,P123, 85,30,0,0 WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,www.winlink.org,8778,WH6FQE,BL11AJ,00-23,28148500,P123, 85,30,0,0 WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,www.winlink.org,8778,WH6FQE-10,BL11AJ,00-23,07102500,WINMOR1600, 85,30,0,0 WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,www.winlink.org,8778,WH6FQE-10,BL11AJ,00-23,10145000,WINMOR1600, 85,30,0,0 WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,www.winlink.org,8778,WH6FQE-10,BL11AJ,00-23,14103500,WINMOR1600, 85,30,0,0 WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,www.winlink.org,8778,WH6FQE-10,BL11AJ,00-23,21093000,WINMOR1600, 85,30,0,0 WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,www.winlink.org,8778,WH6FQE-10,BL11AJ,00-23,28148500,WINMOR1600, 85,30,0,0 WL2KREPORT PUBLIC, www.winlink.org,8778,WH6FQE-10,BL11AJ,00-23,07102500,ARDOP2000, 85,30,0,0 WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,www.winlink.org,8778,WH6FQE-10,BL11AJ,00-23,10145000,ARDOP2000, 85,30,0,0 WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,www.winlink.org,8778,WH6FQE-10,BL11AJ,00-23,14103500,ARDOP2000, 85,30,0,0 WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,www.winlink.org,8778,WH6FQE-10,BL11AJ,00-23,21093000,ARDOP2000, 85,30,0,0 WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,www.winlink.org,8778,WH6FQE-10,BL11AJ,00-23,28148500,ARDOP2000, 85,30,0,0 WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,www.winlink.org,8778,WH6FQE-10,BL11AJ,00-23,07102500,VARA, 85,30,0,0 WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,www.winlink.org,8778,WH6FQE-10,BL11AJ,00-23,14103500,VARA, 85,30,0,0 WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,www.winlink.org,8778,WH6FQE-10,BL11AJ,00-23,145090000,PKT1200,50,30,5,0 ENDPORT ;--------------------------------------------------------------- WINMOR PORT ----------------------------------------------------- PORT PORTNUM=5 ID=WINMOR DRIVER=WINMOR INTERLOCK=4 CONFIG ADDR 8500 PTT CI-V PATH C:\RMS Express\WINMOR TNC.exe CAPTURE IC-7300 (USB Audio Codec) PLAYBACK IC-7300 (USB Audio Codec) LISTEN TRUE CWID True DEBUGLOG True BW 1600 DRIVELEVEL 100 MODE Auto ROBUST False SHOW False BUSYLOCK False ENDPORT ;--------------------------------------------------------------- ARDOP PORT ----------------------------------------------------- PORT PORTNUM=6 ID=ARDOP DRIVER=ARDOP INTERLOCK=4 CONFIG ADDR 8400 PTT CI-V PATH C:\RMS Express\ARDOP_Win.exe CAPTURE IC-7300 (USB Audio Codec) PLAYBACK IC-7300 (USB Audio Codec) LISTEN TRUE CWID True CMDTRACE True DEBUGLOG True DRIVELEVEL 100 GRIDSQUARE BL11aj MAXCONREQ 12 PROTOCOLMODE ARQ TUNERANGE 200 ARQBW 2000MAX ARQTIMEOUT 60 MONITOR TRUE Squelch 1 SENDID 5 FECREPEATS 3 ENDPORT ;--------------------------------------------------------------- VARA PORT ----------------------------------------------------- PORT PORTNUM=7 ID=HF VARA DRIVER=VARA INTERLOCK=4 CONFIG ADDR 8300 PTT CI-V PATH C:\VARA\VARA.exe ENDPORT ;--------------------------------------------------------------- VHF PACKET PORT ----------------------------------------------------- PORT PORTNUM=8 ID=VHF Packet Gateway ;Tracker Access Port TYPE=ASYNC PROTOCOL=KISS COMPORT=14 SPEED=38400 MAXFRAME=2 FRACK=10000 RESPTIME=3000 RETRIES=10 PACLEN=200 TXDELAY=500 SLOTTIME=100 PERSIST=64 KISSOPTIONS=TRACKER ENDPORT ;---------------------------------------------------------- ROUTING INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------ ROUTES: ; Locked routes (31 maximum) /* ; Begin comment block CALLSIGN,QUALITY,PORT[,MAXFRAME,FRACK,PACLEN,INP3Enable] MAXFRAME, Frack and PACLEN if stated override the port defaults. INP3Enable = 1 enables, 0 or null disable. The INP3 (internode protocol) implementation in BPQ32 is experimental. See additional details in bpqaxip.cfg. Example of a route statement using INP3: HISCAL-12,1,1,0,0,0,1 Locked routes tend to be overused and should not be set unless truly needed. */ ; End comment block *** ; Denotes end of locked routes ;------------------------------------------------------------- APPLICATIONS ------------------------------------------------------- ; Applications: APPLICATION n,CMD,New Command,Call,Alias, Quality APPLICATION 1,RMS,C 2 CMS,WH6FQE-10,HIRMS,255 APPLICATION 2,BBS,,WH6FQE,HIBBS,255 APPLICATION 3,CHAT,,WH6FQE-5,HICHAT,255 APPLICATION 32,RC,,WH6FQE-9,0 ************************************* END OF FILE **********************************************************