Instructions on how to update to the latest scripts supporting Winlink
V5 CMS Web Services.
You need to complete this update soon as Winlink is switching its Web
Services over to only support their latest version. Note that no C
files changed for this upgrade just python scripts & the
/etc/rmsgw/hosts file.
First check your python version:
python –version
The new scripts have a requirement of python version 2.7.9 or above.
If you are running a Debian distribution then wheezy will not work,
jessie, stretch & sid are OK.
Second check that you have an /etc/rmsgw/sysop.xml file.
If you don’t have a sysop.xml file then read the admin/ file
Note that the & scripts currently do not work
for the new Winlink Web Services because the SysopGet web service is
not enabled for our key. This may change in the future. If you do not
have a sysop.xml file you can use BEFORE you do the update.
If your system passed the python version test then you can easily
upgrade like this:
git clone
cd rmsgw/admin
# become root & run this command
Verify that the update is working
# As root run the test script in the admin directory
# Search the log file for any errors
# The log file grabs some of the rms.debug log file and you are only
# concerned with errors found after you ran the test script
grep -i error /root/tmp/debuglog.txt
Now go to ( and look at
the Winlink Packet RMS Map/RMS List/Gateway Versions sections.
Search for your call sign.
For more information read the file in the rmsgw/admin
directory here:
/Basil n7nix