Jnos NNTP(s) Server

Jean VE2PKT helpt me to get things going. Thank you Jean. I really appreciate it.

I first have to compile a new Jnos version with the NNTP(s) enabled, edit your config.h and define NNTPS.
(#define NNTPS   /* Netnews client and server */)
I had problems if I wanted to connect the NNTP server. Jnos crached right away. After a distro update of my linux version from “Stretch” to “Buster” all went fine.


# NNTP server/client
start nntp
nntp profile fullname "Niels PD9Q"
nntp profile host jnos.packet-radio.nl
nntp profile organ "Amateur Radio"
nntp profile reply pd9q@jnos.packet-radio.nl
nntp profile user pd9q
nntp access off
nntp firstpoll 5
nntp ihave 0
nntp lzw on
nntp quiet 2

Fist create newsgroups on the Jnos prompt

jnos> nntp create ng.bpq y

nntp create <news.group.name> [y|n]

Updates the /spool/news/active file, which must have an entry for each news group you wish to receive.  Choose y to permit posting to this group, or n to deny posting.  y is assumed if nothing is specified.  The /spool/news/pointer file is also updated with the path to the directory which will contain the articles. Articles will be stored as separate files, named by an integer corresponding to their arrival order.

The NNTPS software includes a mail-to-news feature, such that email with a To: address that begins with “!” is passed to the NNTPS module.  The remainder of the To: address is interpreted as a newsgroup name, with the name truncated at the first occurrence of one of “%@.,/”, and with “!” translated to “.” and “+” to “,”. An alias is usually used to provide this special name. For example, to route all NLD bulletins to both the NLD area, and the NG.NLD newsgroup, use the alias:

#News groups
nld     nld     !ng!nld

My alias file looks like this
nld     nld     !ng!nld
bpq     bpq     !ng!bpq
7plus   7plus   !ng!7plus
ww      ww      !ng!ww
eu      eu      !ng!eu
aprs    aprs    !ng!aprs
local   local   !ng!local
prop    prop    !ng!prop

The NNTPS software includes a news-to-mail feature, such that news articles can be emailed to local or remote destinations after they are processed by nntp. This would allow, for example, emailing to a public area, so that BBS users too could read news articles. JNOS must be compiled with NNTPS and NEWS_TO_MAIL #define’d and a file /spool/news/gateway must exist to define the mapping from a newsgroup to an SMTP To: address. Each non-comment line in the gateway file must begin with a newsgroup name (starnames OK), followed by spaces or tabs, followed by the email To: address.

ng.nld  aprs@nld
ng.nld  prop@nld
ng.nld  all@nld
ng.nld  7plus@nld
ng.7plus        all@7plus
ng.ww   all@ww
ng.eu   all@eu
ng.local        all@local
ng.bpq  all@bpq

Expire time of bulletins or newsgroup messages.

# bulletins received from AX25 network
nld 90
bpq 60
7plus 30
eu 30
check 45
ww 30
!ng.nld 90
!ng.bpq 60
!ng.7plus 30
!ng.check 30
!ng.eu 30
!ng.prop 30
!ng.ww 30

I’m using Thunderbird to read and post messages as bulletin and newsgroup mail.


Fri Feb 21 20:22:46 2020 queue job 2333 To: !ng!local From: pd9q@jnos.packet-radio.nl
Fri Feb 21 20:22:46 2020 queue job 2333 To: local From: pd9q@jnos.packet-radio.nl
Fri Feb 21 20:26:50 2020 deliver Msg-Id: 2335@jnos.packet-radio.nl To: local From: pd9q@jnos.packet-radio.nl Subject: Test ng.local
Received: by jnos.packet-radio.nl with NNTP
        id AA2332 ; Fri, 21 Feb 2020 20:22:46 CET
Newsgroups: ng.local
From: Niels PD9Q <pd9q@jnos.packet-radio.nl
Subject: Test ng.local
Message-ID: <2331@jnos.packet-radio.nl>
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2020 20:22:41 +0100
Errors-To:  sysop
To: all@local

Test the ng.local newsgroup.
Newsgroups: ng.local
X-Mozilla-News-Host: news://
From: Niels PD9Q <pd9q@jnos.packet-radio.nl>
Path: jnos.packet-radio.nl!not-for-mail
Subject: Test ng.local
Message-ID: <2331@jnos.packet-radio.nl>
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2020 20:22:41 +0100
User-Agent: Thunderbird/60.9.1
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
Content-Language: nl
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Lines: 1

Test the ng.local newsgroup.
Path: jnos.packet-radio.nl!NNTP_GATE@jnos.packet-radio.nl!jnos
From: pd9q@jnos.packet-radio.nl
Newsgroups: ng.local
Subject: Test all@local
Message-ID: <c00aaec4-9b7f-b803-b9cd-adc1941ba8b9@jnos.packet-radio.nl>
Sender: NNTP@jnos.packet-radio.nl
Comments: Article created from mail
X-Mozilla-News-Host: news://
To: all@local
Date: Fri, 21 Feb 2020 20:53:28 +0100
User-Agent: Thunderbird/60.9.1
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
Content-Language: nl
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Test all@local bulletin

73 Niels

That’s look pretty cool, isn’t it?


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