Today I have been playing around with a KPC3 Non +. I bought this KPC3 in America and the upgrade Firmware in England. So you can imagine that it was not cheap.
So now we are going to insert the new Firmware.
I am very happy that it works perfectly. Now I want to do a comparison test with direwolf. Both with the 6.0 Firmware version and the 8.2 Firmware version. First, let’s find some time to get involved (again) with the hobby
Nice TNC!
If 1 or more LEDs aren’t working check for cracked LEDs… Recently had 2 repairs of the KPC-3 and both had multiple broken/cracked LEDs. Design flaw… 😉
PS. Next time if you need firmware you can contact me too. Way cheaper!
73! Dave
Thanx Dave….. I will remember it.
73 Niels
Do you sell the KPC-3 version 8.2 chip and software?
Please let me know?
Thank you!!!
Alex Watters-KV4PW