Script provided by Charles S. Schuman modified by F6BVP for updating AX.25 libraries and applications. October 22/2017 (update at Jan 13 2019)
#!/bin/bash # script updated October-22-2017 for VE7FET new AX.25 github repository (F6BVP) # script update January-13-2019 by VE7FET to correct error checking and update for installconf changes # Copy this script file in /usr/local/src/ax25/ # cd into /usr/local/src/ax25 # and execute command : sudo chmod a+x # execute command to run the script : ./ # It will update and re-compile AX.25 libraries, AX.25 tools and AX.25 apps LIBAX25=linuxax25-master/libax25/ TOOLS=linuxax25-master/ax25tools/ APPS=linuxax25-master/ax25apps/ # Color Codes Reset='\e[0m' Red='\e[31m' Green='\e[30;42m' # Black/Green Yellow='\e[33m' YelRed='\e[31;43m' #Red/Yellow Blue='\e[34m' White='\e[37m' BluW='\e[37;44m' echo -e "${BluW}\t\n\t Script provided by Charles S. Schuman modified by F6BVP for updating AX.25 libraries and applications\t\n\t\t\t ${Red} January-13-2019 \n \t\t${Yellow} \n${Reset}" if ! uid=0 then su fi #if [ -f /usr/lib/libax25.a ]; then echo -e "${Green} Removing Old Libax25 files out of the way${Reset}" rm -fr /usr/lib/libax25* rm -fr /usr/lib/libax25*.* #fi # Make directories if not exist if [ -d /usr/local/src/ax25/ ] then echo "directory /usr/local/src/ax25 already exists" else mkdir /usr/local/src/ax25/ fi if ! [ -d /usr/local/etc/ax25/ ] then mkdir /usr/local/etc/ax25/ fi if ! [ -d /usr/local/var/ax25/ ] then mkdir /usr/local/var/ mkdir /usr/local/var/ax25 fi # # Download libax25 source file cd /usr/local/src/ax25 rm -fr /usr/local/src/ax25/libax25 rm -f echo -e "${Green} Getting AX25 libraries, AX25 tools and AX25 apps archives${Reset}" wget if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo -e "${Red}\t Ax25 Source files are Missing${Reset}" exit 1 fi echo -e "${Green} Now unarchiving AX.25 files${Reset}" rm -fr linuxax25-master unzip #Libax25 (updating for automake > 1.12 compliance) cd /usr/local/src/ax25/$LIBAX25 # echo -e "${Green}\t Creating Makefile(s) to prepare libraries compilation${Reset}" ./ ./configure > liberror.txt 2>&1 echo -e -n "\t *" echo -e "${Green}\t Compiling Runtime Lib files${Reset}" # Clean old binaries make clean if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo -e "${Red}\t Libax25 Compile error - See liberror.txt${Reset}" exit 1 fi # Compile echo -n " *" make if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo -e "${Red}\t Libax25 Compile error - See liberror.txt${Reset}" exit 1 fi echo " *\n" # Install # make install >> liberror.txt 2>&1 make install if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo -e "${Red} Libax25 Install error - See liberror.txt${Reset}" exit 1 else echo -e "${Green} Libax25 Installed${Reset}" rm liberror.txt fi # AX25 libraries symbolic name needed for some applications cd /usr/local/lib/ ln -s # AX25 libraries declaration (into echo "/usr/local/lib" >> /etc/ && /sbin/ldconfig # AX25-APPS cd /usr/local/src/ax25 rm -fr /usr/local/src/ax25/ax25apps echo -e "${Green} AX.25 applications${Reset}" #Libax25 (updating for automake > 1.12 compliance) cd /usr/local/src/ax25/$APPS # echo -e "${Green}\t Creating Makefile(s) to prepare apps compilation${Reset}" ./ ./configure > appserror.txt 2>&1 echo -n -e "\t *" # Clean old binaries make clean if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo -e "${Red}\t Ax25-Apps Compile Error - see appserror.txt${Reset}" exit 1 fi # Compile Ax25-apps echo -n " *" echo -e "${Green}\t Compiling Ax25 apps ${Reset}" make if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo -e "${Red}\t Ax25-Apps Compile Error - see appserror.txt${Reset}" exit 1 fi # Install Ax25-apps echo " *" # make install >> appserror.txt 2>&1 make install if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo -e "${Red} Ax25-Apps Install Error - see appserror.txt${Reset}" exit 1 else echo -e "${Green} Ax25-apps Installed${Reset}" rm appserror.txt fi # AX25-TOOLS cd /usr/local/src/ax25 rm -fr /usr/local/src/ax25/ax25tools echo -e "${Green} AX.25 tools${Reset}" cd /usr/local/src/ax25/$TOOLS # echo -n -e "\t *" echo -e "${Green}\t Creating Makefile(s) to prepare apps compilation${Reset}" ./ ./configure > toolserror.txt 2>&1 # Clean old binaries make clean if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo -e "${Red}\t AX.25 tools Compile error - See toolserror.txt${Reset}" exit 1 fi # Compile Ax.25 tools echo -e "${Green}\t Compiling AX.25 tools${Reset}" echo -e "\t *" make if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo -e "${Red}\t AX.25 tools Compile error - See toolserror.txt${Reset}" exit 1 fi # Install Ax.25 tools echo " *" make install if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo -e "${Red}\t AX.25 tools Install error - See toolserror.txt${Reset}" exit 1 else echo -e "${Green} AX.25 tools Installed${Reset}" rm toolserror.txt fi # Set permissions for /usr/local/sbin/ and /usr/local/bin # cd /usr/local/sbin/ # chmod 4775 * # cd /usr/local/bin/ # chmod 4775 * echo -e "\t \e[030;42m Ax.25 Libraries, applications and tools were successfully rebuilt and installed${Reset}" echo -e "${Green} If this is a first install of AX.25 tools or apps, sample config files were installed in the doc ${Reset}" echo -e "${Green} folder on your system. This is likely something like /usr/local/share/doc or /usr/share/doc. ${Reset}" echo -e "${Green} Look in doc/ax25apps/conf and doc/ax25tools/conf for sample conf files, and copy them to your ${Reset}" echo -e "${Green} etc/ax25 folder and edit (may be /etc/ax25 or /usr/local/etc/ax25, depending on your system).${Reset}" # (End of Script)