VE7FET heeft een fork geschreven voor de AX25Tools / AX25Libs / AX25Apps. Hier in zijn bekende bugs opgelost. Deze zijn hier te vinden
In onderstaande link valt te lezen wat er zo wel is aangepast.
Verder is er een update script, deze maakt het makkelijk om de ax25 tools te updaten.
Als je de niet-officiële ax25 bron gebruiken moet je een simlink toevoegen aan de RT Library routines.
ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/
ln -s /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/
#!/bin/bash # script updated December-8-2015 for VE7FET new AX.25 github repository (F6BVP) # Copy this script file in /usr/local/src/ax25/ # cd into /usr/local/src/ax25 # and execute command : sudo chmod a+x # execute command to run the script : ./ # It will update and re-compile AX.25 libraries, AX.25 tools and AX.25 apps LIBAX25=linuxax25-master/libax25/ TOOLS=linuxax25-master/ax25tools/ APPS=linuxax25-master/ax25apps/ # Color Codes Reset='e[0m' Red='e[31m' Green='e[30;42m' # Black/Green Yellow='e[33m' YelRed='e[31;43m' #Red/Yellow Blue='e[34m' White='e[37m' BluW='e[37;44m' echo -e "${BluW}tnt Script provided by Charles S. Schuman modified by F6BVP for updating AX.25 libraries and applicationstnttt ${Red} November-30-2015 n tt${Yellow} n${Reset}" if ! uid=0 then su fi #if [ -f /usr/lib/libax25.a ]; then echo -e "${Green} Removing Old Libax25 files out of the way${Reset}" rm -fr /usr/lib/libax25* rm -fr /usr/lib/libax25*.* #fi # Make directories if not exist if [ -d /usr/local/src/ax25/ ] then echo "directory /usr/local/src/ax25 already exists" else mkdir /usr/local/src/ax25/ fi if ! [ -d /usr/local/etc/ax25/ ] then mkdir /usr/local/etc/ax25/ fi if ! [ -d /usr/local/var/ax25/ ] then mkdir /usr/local/var/ mkdir /usr/local/var/ax25 fi # # Download libax25 source file cd /usr/local/src/ax25 rm -fr /usr/local/src/ax25/libax25 rm -f echo -e "${Green} Getting AX25 libraries, AX25 tools and AX25 apps archives${Reset}" wget if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo -e "${Red}t Ax25 Source files are Missing${Reset}" exit 1 fi echo -e "${Green} Now unarchiving AX.25 files ${Reset}" rm -fr linuxax25-master unzip #Libax25 (updating for automake > 1.12 compliance) cd /usr/local/src/ax25/$LIBAX25 # echo -e "${Green}t Creating Makefile(s) to prepare libraries compilation ${Reset}" ./ ./configure > liberror.txt 2>&1 echo -e -n "t *" echo -e "${Green}t Compiling Runtime Lib files ${Reset}" # Clean old binaries make clean # Compile echo -n " *" make echo -e "t *" if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo -e "${Red}t Libax25 Compile error - See liberror.txt ${Reset}" exit 1 fi echo " *n" # Install # make install >> liberror.txt 2>&1 make install if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo -e "${Red} Libax25 Install error - See liberror.txt${Reset}" exit 1 else echo -e "${Green} Libax25 Installed${Reset}" rm liberror.txt fi # AX25 libraries declaration (into echo "/usr/local/lib" >> /etc/ && /sbin/ldconfig # AX25-APPS cd /usr/local/src/ax25 rm -fr /usr/local/src/ax25/ax25apps echo -e "${Green} AX.25 applications${Reset}" #Libax25 (updating for automake > 1.12 compliance) cd /usr/local/src/ax25/$APPS # echo -e "${Green}t Creating Makefile(s) to prepare apps compilation ${Reset}" ./ ./configure > appserror.txt 2>&1 echo -n -e "t *" # Clean old binaries make clean # Compile Ax25-apps echo -n " *" echo -e "${Green}t Compiling Ax25 apps ${Reset}" make echo -n -e "t *" if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo -e "${Red}t Ax25-Apps Compile Error - see appserror.txt ${Reset}" exit 1 fi # Install Ax25-apps echo " *" # make install >> appserror.txt 2>&1 make install echo -e "t *" if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo -e "${Red} Ax25-Apps Install Error - see appserror.txt ${Reset}" exit 1 else echo -e "${Green} Ax25-apps Installed ${Reset}" rm appserror.txt fi # AX25-TOOLS cd /usr/local/src/ax25 rm -fr /usr/local/src/ax25/ax25tools echo -e "${Green} AX.25 tools${Reset}" cd /usr/local/src/ax25/$TOOLS # echo -n -e "t *" echo -e "${Green}t Creating Makefile(s) to prepare apps compilation ${Reset}" ./ ./configure > toolserror.txt 2>&1 # Clean old binaries make clean # Compile Ax.25 tools echo -e "${Green}t Compiling AX.25 tools ${Reset}" echo -e "t *" make echo -e "t *" if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo -e "${Red}t AX.25 tools Compile error - See toolserror.txt ${Reset}" exit 1 fi # Install Ax.25 tools echo " *" make install if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo -e "${Red}t AX.25 tools Install error - See toolserror.txt ${Reset}" exit 1 else echo -e "${Green} AX.25 tools Installed ${Reset}" rm toolserror.txt fi # Set permissions for /usr/local/sbin/ and /usr/local/bin cd /usr/local/sbin/ chmod 4775 * cd /usr/local/bin/ chmod 4775 * echo -e "t e[030;42m Ax.25 Libraries, applications and tools were successfully rebuilt and installed${Reset}" echo -e "${Green} If this is a first install of AX.25 tools execute 'make installconf' from ax25tools directory${Reset}" echo -e "${Green} If this is a first install of AX.25 apps execute 'make installconf' from ax25apps directory${Reset}" echo -e "${Green} in order to create sample configuration files into /usr/local/etc/ax25/${Reset}" echo -e "t e[030;42m Now it is time to compile and install AX.25 application programs${Reset}" # (End of Script)