Hier onder een iptables script wat het mogelijk maakt om hele landen te blokken.
Op http://www.ipdeny.com/ipblocks/data/countries staan de landen files die je kunt gebruiken.
#!/bin/bash # Purpose: Block all traffic from AFGHANISTAN (af) and CHINA (CN). Use ISO code. # # See url for more info - http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/?p=3402 # Author: nixCraft <www.cyberciti.biz> under GPL v.2.0+ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ISO="af cn" ### Set PATH ### IPT=/sbin/iptables WGET=/usr/bin/wget EGREP=/bin/egrep ### No editing below ### SPAMLIST="countrydrop" ZONEROOT="/root/iptables" DLROOT="http://www.ipdeny.com/ipblocks/data/countries" cleanOldRules(){ $IPT -F $IPT -X $IPT -t nat -F $IPT -t nat -X $IPT -t mangle -F $IPT -t mangle -X $IPT -P INPUT ACCEPT $IPT -P OUTPUT ACCEPT $IPT -P FORWARD ACCEPT } # create a dir [ ! -d $ZONEROOT ] && /bin/mkdir -p $ZONEROOT # clean old rules cleanOldRules # create a new iptables list $IPT -N $SPAMLIST for c in $ISO do # local zone file tDB=$ZONEROOT/$c.zone # get fresh zone file $WGET -O $tDB $DLROOT/$c.zone # country specific log message SPAMDROPMSG="$c Country Drop" # get BADIPS=$(egrep -v "^#|^$" $tDB) for ipblock in $BADIPS do $IPT -A $SPAMLIST -s $ipblock -j LOG --log-prefix "$SPAMDROPMSG" $IPT -A $SPAMLIST -s $ipblock -j DROP done done # Drop everything $IPT -I INPUT -j $SPAMLIST $IPT -I OUTPUT -j $SPAMLIST $IPT -I FORWARD -j $SPAMLIST # call your other iptable script # /path/to/other/iptables.sh exit 0
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