SCS released PMOM

Not sure if people saw this but SCS has released a program to monitor Pactor 1/2/3 transmissions even with B2F/LZHUF-compressed messages for the Raspberry Pi:

David emailed them to see if they plan on releasing X86 versions and possibly packages for other distros like Ubuntu, Fedora, etc.  We’ll see what they say but this looks pretty cool!

Reaction of scs

Thank you for your inquiry.
Currently there is no plan to release PMON for other systems than Raspberry Pi. As also stated on the PMON web site, PACTOR-4 will follow in early 2020.

Thanks to David “Dranch”

SCS Tracker TNC and new BPQ32 Node

Sample config file based on a system off John, kx4o.


IDMSG:    ; UI broadcast text from NODECALL to fixed dest ID
This is the IDMSG text.
***        ; Denotes end of IDMSG text

BTEXT:    ; UI broadcast text from BCALL to destination UNPROTO=
This is the BTEXT text.
***        ; Denotes end of BTEXT text

INFOMSG:    ; The INFO command text follows:
This is the INFOMSG text.
***        ; Denotes end of INFOMSG text

CTEXT:    ; The CTEXT text follows:
Minimal VAPN BPQ32 installation successful.
***        ; Denotes end of CTEXT text

FULL_CTEXT=0    ; 0=send CTEXT to L2 connects to NODEALIAS only
                    ; 1=send CTEXT to all connectees

; Network System Parameters:
OBSINIT=6        ; Initial obsolescence set when a node is included
                    ; in a received nodes broadcast. This value is then
                    ; decremented by 1 every NODESINTERVAL.
OBSMIN=4            ; When the obsolescence of a node falls below this
                    ; value that node`s information is not included in
                    ; a subsequent nodes broadcast.
NODESINTERVAL=60    ; Nodes broadcast interval in minutes
IDINTERVAL=0        ; 'IDMSG' UI broadcast interval in minutes, 0=OFF
BTINTERVAL=0        ; The BTEXT broadcast interval in minutes, 0=OFF
L3TIMETOLIVE=25    ; Max L3 hops
L4RETRIES=3            ; Level 4 retry count
L4TIMEOUT=60        ; Level 4 timeout in seconds s/b > FRACK x RETRIES
L4DELAY=10            ; Level 4 delayed ack timer in seconds
L4WINDOW=4            ; Level 4 window size
MAXLINKS=63            ; Max level 2 links
MAXNODES=512        ; Max nodes in nodes table
MAXROUTES=64        ; Max adjacent nodes
MAXCIRCUITS=128    ; Max L4 circuits
MINQUAL=168            ; Minimum quality to add to nodes table
; INP3 Routing is experimental.  The two parms which follow will be ignored
; unless activated in the ROUTES: section.
MAXHOPS=4            ; INP3 hop limit to add to tables
MAXRTT=90            ; INP3 max RTT in seconds
;BUFFERS=255        ; This parameter is no longer used in the Win32 version.
                    ; BPQ32 allocates an adequate number automatically.
                    ; I have the line commented out just to remind me it`s gone!!
; TNC default parameters:
PACLEN=127        ; Max packet size (236 max for net/rom)
                    ; 236 is suitable for reliable and fast connections, such
                    ; as AX/IP/UDP or a dedicated 9600 RF Link
                    ; 120 is suitable for a typical shared VHF packet radio connection
                    ; PACLEN is defined for each port individually in the ports sections
TRANSDELAY=1    ; Transparent node send delay in seconds

; Level 2 Parameters:
; T1 (FRACK), T2 (RESPTIME) and N2 (RETRIES) are now in the PORTS section
T3=120            ; Link validation timer in seconds
IDLETIME=720    ; Idle link shutdown timer in seconds

; Configuration Options:
AUTOSAVE=1        ; Saves BPQNODES.dat upon program exit
BBS=1                ; 1 = BBS support included, 0 = No BBS support
NODE=1           ; Include switch support
HIDENODES=1        ; If set to 1, nodes beginning with a #
                    ; require a 'N *' command to be displayed.
The *** LINKED command is intended for use by gateway software, and concern
has been expressed that it could be misused. It is recommended that it be
disabled (=N) if unneeded.
ENABLE_LINKED=N    ; Controls processing of *** LINKED command
                    ; Y = allows unrestricted use
                    ; A = allows use by application program
                    ; N = disabled
AX25 port definitions:
The LOOPBACK port simulates a connection by looping input to output. To test,
start BPQTerminal and enter: 'C 1 MYNODE via MYCALL'
In this example '1' is the LOOPBACK port number. The LOOPBACK port is provided
for testing purposes and would rarely be included in an established system.
; LOOPPACK Port Specification
# PORTNUM=1            ; Optonal but sets port number if stated
# ID=LOOPBACK        ; Defines the Loopback port name
# TYPE=INTERNAL        ; Loopback is an internal type

; SCS Tracker Port Specification
    ID=HF 30m Port
    COMPORT=/dev/tnc-30m;        COM Port Address
    SPEED=38400;       COM Port Speed

    QUALITY=0          ;Setting to 0 stops node broadcasts on this port

    ;MAXFRAME=2         ;Max outstanding frames (1 thru 7)
    ;RESPTIME=1000      ;Level 2 delayed ack timer in milliseconds
    ;RETRIES=2          ;Level 2 maximum retry value
    PACLEN=200          ;Max = 236 if using NETROM links
    ;TXDELAY=500        ;Pretty quick TX/RX radio
    ;TXTAIL=300         ;

    CONFIG             ; Driver-Specific Configuration
    PACKETCHANNELS 5   ; Limit to 5 simultaneous connections
    R 0                ; Digipeating OFF
    F 600              ; T1 - FRACK: in 10mS steps.
    @T2 0              ; T2 - RESPDELAYTIME: in 10mS steps.
    @T3 30000          ; T3 - Sign of life timer in 10mS steps
    N 10               ; RETRY: Setting to 10
    O 7                ; MAXFRAME
    T 25               ; TXDELAY: Setting to 1/4 second (25 * 10ms)
    P 32               ; PERSISTENCE (p) (default 32 of 255)
    W 10               ; Slottime in milliconds (default 10)
    %N 0               ; TXTAIL - in 10ms increments.
    ; Comment out the desired speed.
    %B R300            ; 1200 is the poweron default, so setting to R300
    ;%F 1700            ; For HFPacket only and should only be used if not using 1700 default.
    %L 1500             ; For RPR only. Lately required since this doesn`t always default to 1500.
    ;%XA 880            ; Set 300/1200 output amplitude to 3 kHz Peak deviation per measurement.
    ;%XF 1600           ; Set 9600/19k2 output amplitude to 400 mV PP per ID-880H manual.
    %XR 900           ; Set RPR output amplitude in mV for TS-480 Menu #40 = 1.
    ;%XR 200           ; Set RPR output amplitude in mV for TS-480 Menu #40 = 4.

; SCS Tracker Port Specification
    ID=VHF 2m Port
    COMPORT=/dev/tnc-02m;        COM Port Address
    SPEED=38400;       COM Port Speed

    QUALITY=0          ;Setting to 0 stops node broadcasts on this port

    ;MAXFRAME=2         ;Max outstanding frames (1 thru 7)
    ;RESPTIME=1000      ;Level 2 delayed ack timer in milliseconds
    ;RETRIES=2          ;Level 2 maximum retry value
    PACLEN=128         ;Max = 236 if using NETROM links
    ;TXDELAY=500        ;Pretty quick TX/RX radio
    ;TXTAIL=300         ;

    CONFIG             ; Driver-Specific Configuration
    PACKETCHANNELS 5   ; Limit to 5 simultaneous connections
    R 0                ; Digipeating OFF
    F 500              ; T1 - FRACK: in 10mS steps.
    @T2 0              ; T2 - RESPDELAYTIME: in 10mS steps.
    @T3 18000          ; T3 - Sign of life timer in 10mS steps
    N 10               ; RETRY: Setting to 10
    O 7                ; MAXFRAME: Setting to 7
    T 50               ; TXDELAY: Setting to 1/2 second (50 * 10ms)
    P 32               ; Persistence (p) (default 32)
    W 10               ; Slottime in milliconds (default 10)
    %N 0               ; TXTAIL - in 10ms increments.
    ; Comment out the desired speed.
    %B 1200            ; 1200 is the poweron default, but setting it anyway.
    ;%B 9600            ; 9600 
    %F 2000            ; I assume this has no effect on 1200 mode, but setting anyway..
    %XA 880            ; Set 300/1200 output amplitude to 3 kHz Peak deviation per measurement.
    %XF 1600           ; Set 9600/19k2 output amplitude to 400 mV PP per ID-880H manual.
    %E 2               ; Set lower tone in 1200 mode (fw 1.5s) to 1/2 voltage 6 dB down from high.

;; Test of KISS
; PORTNUM=2            ; Optional but sets port number if stated
; ID=BPQ 145.030 MHz    ; Displayed by PORTS command
; TYPE=ASYNC            ; Port is RS232
`; PROTOCOL=KISS        ; TNC is used in KISS or JKISS mode
;; The KISSOPTIONS statement should not be included for KISS or JKISS tnc`s.
;; See ..\RelatedFiles\KissRoms\ for details.
;; KISSOPTIONS=CHECKSUM,ACKMODE    ; Using BPQKISS eprom w/o polling
; FULLDUP=0            ; Only meaningful for KISS devices
; ;IOADDR=1            ; 1 = SERIAL PORT COM1 ETC.
; COMPORT=/dev/ttyUSB0;        COM Port Address
; SPEED=38400;       COM Port Speed
; CHANNEL=A            ; A for single channel TNC, A or B for multichannel
; PERSIST=64            ; PERSIST=256/(# of transmitters-1)
; SLOTTIME=100        ; CMSA interval timer in milliseconds
; TXDELAY=300        ; Transmit keyup delay in milliseconds
; TXTAIL=30            ; TX key down, in milliseconds, at packet end
; QUALITY=192        ; Quality factor applied to node broadcasts heard on
;                    ; this port, unless overridden by a locked route
;                    ; entry. Setting to 0 stops node broadcasts
; MINQUAL=168        ; Entries in the nodes table with qualities greater or
;                    ; equal to MINQUAL will be sent on this port. A value
;                    ; of 0 sends everything.
; FRACK=8000            ; Level 2 timout in milliseconds
; RESPTIME=1500        ; Level 2 delayed ack timer in milliseconds
; RETRIES=10            ; Level 2 maximum retry value
; MAXFRAME=2            ; Max outstanding frames (1 thru 7)
; PACLEN=120            ; Default max packet length for this port.
;                    ; PACLEN is ignored for APRS packets
; UNPROTO=APBQ1        ; BTEXT broadcast addrs format: DEST[,digi1[,digi2]]
; ;BCALL=A1ABC-14        ; BTEXT call. Unstated defaults to NODECALL
; L3ONLY=0            ; 1=No user downlink connects on this port
; DIGIFLAG=0            ; Digipeat: 0=OFF, 1=ALL, 255=UI Only
; DIGIPORT=0            ; Port on which to send digi`d frames (0 = same port)
; USERS=0            ; Maximum number of L2 sessions, 0 = no limit

    ID=Telnet Server

    CMSCALL=CMSCALL   ; CMS Access Callsign (with SSID if used)
    CMSPASS=CMSPASSWD ; Secure CMS Password
    CTEXT=Welcome to W4VPN's Telnet Server\nEnter ? for list of commands\n\n



Jeff have made some comments about it.

On HF I`d recommend starting with a maxframe other than 7.
With the Tracker`s intelligence I found it best to start 
connections on HF with a conservative value of maxframe = 1 then 
let the modem ramp things up if band/link conditions support it. 
Also suggest keeping a few hundred ms of @T2 in there to help slower radios.

Obviously VHF/UIHF is a different story, but suggest load testing 
different values and being careful if you`re going to have users with the 
Tasco (D72, D74, D700, D710 or KISS mode TNCs with no/minimal buffering connecting in. 
Be sure to test with transfers both ways and large enough 
(at least 7-8kb on the link) to bring buffering issues to light or nasty surprises may lurk.



SCS Tracker Multiconnect Driver for BPQ32 switch


This driver allows the SCS Tracker TNC to be used in Host Mode for user access to BPQ32 applications. The Tracker can be used in KISS mode for this purpose, but the Tracker’s dynamic parameter tuning works only in Host Mode. There is a separate driver, SCSTracker that supports scanning, but only a single connect at a time, primarily for use for BBS forwarding.


The driver configuration is specified in the bpq32.cfg file

The driver is defined to BPQ32 as an External port, and needs some driver-specific configuration

All commands that are essential to run with BPQ32 are sent automatically. You only need to include any special setup you need. Any Tracker Commands can be entered. The PACKETCHANNELS command is used to set the number of connects accepted (Default is 10)

The commands that are preset are in two groups. One set is sent before the commands you specify, so can be changed. The others are sent after your commands, as they are essential for correct operation with BPQ32

Sent before your config

M UISC           ; Monitoring Enabled
%F 1500          ; Use the same centre frequency for normal and Robust packet.
F 200            ; Sets SABM retry time to about 5 secs

Sent after your config

Y n              ; n is PACKETCHANNELS, Number of Streams
Z 0              ; No Flow Control
E 1              ; Echo - Restart process needs echo

MYCALL is set to NODECALL. Any MYCALL in the config file is ignored.

Sample SCS Tracker Multi Configuration.

 ID=Tracker Access Porr
 COMPORT=1;             COM Port Address
 SPEED=38400;           COM Port Speed
 CONFIG                 ; Driver-Specific Configuration
 PACKETCHANNELS 5       ; Limit to 5 simultaneous connections 
 %F 2000                ; Set Normal Packet Centre to 2000 (Gives 500 Hz split beteeen Robust and Normal Packet)

© John Wiseman GM8BPQ/G8BPQ