;*\ ;Packet/Switch netwerk Kortgene. ;*/ LOCATOR=JO11VN MAPCOMMENT=PI1LAP-7 Network Node, Kortgene JO11VN PASSWORD=***** NODECALL=PI1LAP-7 ; Node callsign NODEALIAS=NDRLND ; Node alias (6 characters max) IDMSG: PI1LAP-7 - PI8LAP - JO11VN *** BTEXT: ; UI broadcast text from BCALL to destination UNPROTO= PI1LAP-7 - PI8LAP((Lin)BPQ) Ax25 - Net/rom - BBS - JO11VN *** INFOMSG: ; The INFO command text follows: PI1LAP-7:PI8LAP LinBPQ Packet/Switch Node Computer : Raspberry PI 3B Software : Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 / Linbpq 6.0.24.* Rx/Tx : Icom 7300 / Yaesu FT7900 Modem : Scs PTC11pro / Qtsoundmodem 300 Baud / Ardopc / Vara / il2p Antenne : HyendFed 20m / X-510n *** CTEXT: ; The CTEXT text follows: Connected to PI1LAP-7, PI1LAP-7 > BBS,RMS,C,B,I,N,R,P,U,V,S,MH *** ; Denotes end of CTEXT text MQTT=1 MQTT_HOST= MQTT_PORT=1883 MQTT_USER=pd9q MQTT_PASS=******** HFCTEXT=HF node PI1LAP-7 EnableM0LTEMap=1 FULL_CTEXT=1 ; 0=send CTEXT to L2 connects to NODEALIAS only ; 1=send CTEXT to all connectees OBSINIT=6 ; Initial obsolescence set when a node is included ; in a received nodes broadcast. This value is then ; decremented by 1 every NODESINTERVAL. OBSMIN=4 ; When the obsolescence of a node falls below this ; value that nodes information is not included in ; a subsequent nodes broadcast. NODESINTERVAL=25 ; Nodes broadcast interval in minutes IDINTERVAL=10 ; IDMSG UI broadcast interval in minutes, 0=OFF BTINTERVAL=15 ; The BTEXT broadcast interval in minutes, 0=OFF L3TIMETOLIVE=25 ; Max L3 hops L4RETRIES=5 ; Level 4 retry count L4TIMEOUT=60 ; Level 4 timeout in seconds s/b > FRACK x RETRIES L4DELAY=10 ; Level 4 delayed ack timer in seconds L4WINDOW=4 ; Level 4 window size MAXLINKS=15 ; Max level 2 links MAXNODES=512 ; Max nodes in nodes table MAXROUTES=60 ; Max adjacent nodes MAXCIRCUITS=256 ; Max L4 circuits MINQUAL=161 ; Minimum quality to add to nodes table ; INP3 Routing is experimental. The two parms which follow will be ignored ; unless activated in the ROUTES: section. MAXHOPS=6 ; INP3 hop limit to add to tables MAXRTT=90 ; INP3 max RTT in seconds BUFFERS=999 ; Packet buffers - 999 means allocate as many as SAVEMH=1 ; TNC default parameters: PACLEN=128 ; Max packet size (236 max for net/rom) ; Level 2 Parameters: ; T1 (FRACK), T2 (RESPTIME) and N2 (RETRIES) are now in the PORTS section ;T3=120 ; Link validation timer in seconds T3=900 ; will poll other nodes every 900 seconds, or 15 min. IDLETIME=10000 ; Idle link shutdown timer in seconds ; Configuration Options: AUTOSAVE=0 ; Saves BPQNODES.dat upon program exit BBS=1 ; 1 = BBS support included, 0 = No BBS support NODE=1 ; Include switch support HIDENODES=0 ; If set to 1, nodes beginning with a # ; require a 'N *' command to be displayed. ; The *** LINKED command is intended for use by gateway software, and concern ; has been expressed that it could be misused. It is recommended that it be ; disabled (=N) if unneeded. ENABLE_LINKED=A ; Controls processing of *** LINKED command ; Y = allows unrestricted use ; A = allows use by application program ; N = disabled ; Port Definitions: TNCPORT COMPORT=/home/pi/fbbded TYPE=DED STREAMS=1 APPLMASK=4 ENDPORT ; automatically switches bands and updates frequency every 5 seconds RADIO 1 ;Under Connectors then Data Mod set to acc /dev/ttyICOM 19200 ICOM IC7300 94 PTT_SETS_INPUT AUX HAMLIB=4532 00:00 5,14.102300,USB,F1,D,P123 06:00 5,7.049450,USB,F1,D,P123 19:00 5,14.102300,USB,F1,D,P123 **** PORT PORTNUM=1 ID=AFSK300 HF IL2P +850Hz INTERLOCK=1 DRIVER=UZ7HO CHANNEL=A PACLEN=100 CONFIG ADDR 8101 BEACONAFTERSESSION UPDATEMAP MAXSESSIONS=1 RADIO=1 ;WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,api.winlink.org,80,PI8LAP,JO11VN,00-23,7049450,VARA500,50,35,3 ;WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,api.winlink.org,80,PI8LAP,JO11VN,00-23,7049450,ARDOP500,50,35,3 ;WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,api.winlink.org,80,PI8LAP,JO11VN,00-23,7049450,PKT300,50,35,3 ;WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,api.winlink.org,80,PI8LAP,JO11VN,00-23,144850000,PKT1200,10,20,5,0 ;WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,api.winlink.org,80,PI8LAP,JO11VN,00-23,7054000,P123,50,35,3 ;WL2KREPORT PUBLIC,api.winlink.org,80,PI8LAP-10,JO11VN,00-23,7049500,ROBUST,50,35,3 ENDPORT PORT PORTNUM=2 ID=AFSK300 HF +1000Hz INTERLOCK=1 DRIVER=UZ7HO CHANNEL=B PACLEN=100 CONFIG ADDR 8101 BEACONAFTERSESSION UPDATEMAP MAXSESSIONS=1 RADIO=1 ENDPORT PORT PORTNUM=3 INTERLOCK=1 HIDE=0 ID=ARDOP500 DRIVER=ARDOP CONFIG ADDR 8515 PTT CAT ARQBW 500MAX LEADER 200 ENABLEPINGACK BUSYDET 5 CONSOLELOG 3 LOGLEVEL 3 CWID TRUE MONITOR TRUE GRIDSQUARE JO11VN RADIO=1 **** ENDPORT PORT PORTNUM=4 INTERLOCK=1 HIDE=0 ID=VARA500 DRIVER=VARA CONFIG ADDR 8300 PTT CAT RADIO=1 BW500 MYCALLS PI1LAP-7 PI8LAP PI1LAP-4 PI8LAP-10 SESSIONTIMELIMIT 15 P2P SESSION BUSYWAIT 30 **** ENDPORT PORT PORTNUM=5 HIDE=0 ID=BPSK300 IL2P +2150Hz DRIVER=UZ7HO CHANNEL=C PACLEN=100 CONFIG ADDR 8101 MAXSESSIONS=2 BEACONAFTERSESSION UPDATEMAP RADIO=1 ENDPORT PORT ID=Pactor SCS COMPORT=/dev/ttySCS ; COM Port Address SPEED=19200 ; COM Port Speed DRIVER=SCSPactor PORTCALL=PI8LAP INTERLOCK=1 CONFIG ; Driver-Specific Configuration RADIO=1 ;USERAPPLCALLSFORPACTOR **** MAXLEVEL=3 PSKA 250 FSKA 250 MARK 1600 SPACE 1400 AQ 1 STATUS 2 BUSYHOLD 1 ; This defines the time the software waits after the Controller has reported the channel free before considering it free. BUSYWAIT 20 ; This changes the time the software will wait for a clear channel before failing a connect request. DEBUGLOG 1 ; To activate the SCSLog_xxx_xx.txt files in the logs directory ENDPORT PORT PORTNUM=7 ; Optional but sets port number if stated ID=AX/IP/UDP ; Displayed by PORTS command DRIVER=BPQAXIP ; Uses BPQAXIP capability of bpq32.dll QUALITY=203 ; Quality factor applied to node broadcasts heard on ; this port, unless overridden by a locked route ; entry. Setting to 0 stops node broadcasts MINQUAL=161 ; Entries in the nodes table with qualities greater or ; equal to MINQUAL will be sent on this port. A value ; of 0 sends everything. MAXFRAME=7 ; Max outstanding frames (1 thru 7) FRACK=3000 ; Level 2 timout in milliseconds RESPTIME=1000 ; Level 2 delayed ack timer in milliseconds RETRIES=15 ; Level 2 maximum retry value PACLEN=236 ; Max = 236 CONFIG ; BPQAXIP.cfg has been deprecated. Instead the AXIP ; configuration occurs here: MHEARD ON ; Opens AXIP MHEARD window ;UDP 93 ; Listens for UDP packets on this UDP port number UDP 10093 ;AUTOADDMAP ; This option automatically adds the node call and ; address of a node for which you do not have a ; pre-arranged fixed entry in bpqaxip.cfg. If the ; option DONTCHECKSOURCECALL is specified then the ; AUTOADDMAP option is ignored. BROADCAST NODES MAP OK2PEN-5 44.63.16.*** B MAP K5DAT-7 TCP-Slave 10200 B MAP PI1ZTM 44.137.2.*** KEEPALIVE 180 UDP 10093 B MAP GB7BED-5 gb7bed.****.** UDP 10093 B MAP VE2PKT-2 44.135.49.*** B MAP PE1NNZ 44.137.24.*** KEEPALIVE 180 UDP 10193 B MAP OL7M SEEVER.****.*** KEEPALIVE 180 UDP 10094 B MAP IW2OHX-15 44.134.175.*** KEEPALIVE 180 UDP 10093 B MAP PD0LPM-9 213.10.245.*** KEEPALIVE 180 UDP 10093 B MAP PA8F-2 44.137.1.*** KEEPALIVE 180 UDP 10093 B MAP PD9Q 44.137.31.*** KEEPALIVE 180 UDP 10093 B MAP F8COD-2 80.119.24.*** KEEPALIVE 180 UDP 10093 B ENDPORT PORT PORTNUM=8 ; Optional but sets port number if stated ID=Telnet DRIVER=Telnet CONFIG LOGGING=1 DisconnectOnClose=1 CMS=1 CMSCALL=PI8LAP CMSPASS=******* CMDPORT=7300 7301 6001 6002 CMSLOGGING=1 FALLBACKTORELAY=1 ; RELAYHOST= RELAYAPPL=BBS TCPPORT=6370 FBBPORT=6380 HTTPPORT=8081 ; SNMPPORT=161 SECURETELNET=1 LOGINPROMPT=User: PASSWORDPROMPT=Password: MAXSESSIONS=10 CTEXT=Welcome to PI1LAP Telnet Server.\nPress ? For list of commands \n\n USER=pd9q,******,pd9q,,SYSOP USER=pi8lap,******,pi8lap,,SYSOP ENDPORT ;PORT ; PORTNUM=9 ; ID=AFSK 300Baud QO-100 RX-only ; DRIVER=UZ7HO ; CHANNEL=A ; CONFIG ; ADDR 8101 ; UPDATEMAP ; MAXSESSIONS=1 ;ENDPORT ;PORT ; PORTNUM=10 ; ID=BPSK 1200Baud QO-100 RX-only ; DRIVER=UZ7HO ; CHANNEL=B ; CONFIG ; ADDR 8101 ; UPDATEMAP ; MAXSESSIONS=1 ;ENDPORT PORT PORTNUM=9 ; Optional but sets port number if stated ID=144.850Mhz FM 1k2 ; Displayed by PORTS command TYPE=ASYNC ; Port is RS232 Com PROTOCOL=KISS ; TNC is used in KISS, JKISS or BPQKISS mode FULLDUP=0 ; Only meaningful for KISS, JKISS or BPQKISS devices IPADDR= TCPPORT=8001 ; 1 = SERIAL PORT COM1 ETC. CHANNEL=A ; A for single channel TNC, A or B for multichannel PERSIST=160 ; PERSIST=256/(# of transmitters-1) SLOTTIME=180 ; CMSA interval timer in milliseconds TXDELAY=270 ; Transmit keyup delay in milliseconds TXTAIL=23 ; TX key down, in milliseconds, at packet end QUALITY=203 ; Quality factor applied to node broadcasts heard on ; this port, unless overridden by a locked route ; entry. Setting to 0 stops node broadcasts MINQUAL=201 ; Entries in the nodes table with qualities greater or ; equal to MINQUAL will be sent on this port. A value ; of 0 sends everything. MAXFRAME=7 ; Max outstanding frames (1 thru 7) FRACK=5000 ; Level 2 timout in milliseconds RESPTIME=1000 ; Level 2 delayed ack timer in milliseconds RETRIES=25 ; Level 2 maximum retry value PACLEN=128 ; Default max packet length for this port UNPROTO=APBPQ1,WIDE1-1 ; BTEXT broadcast addrs format: DEST[,digi1[,digi2]] BCALL=PI1LAP-7 ; BTEXT call. unstated defaults to APPL1CALL L3ONLY=0 ; 1=No user downlink connects on this port DIGIFLAG=1 ; Digipeat: 0=OFF, 1=ALL, 255=UI Only DIGIPORT=0 ; Port on which to send digid frames (0 = same port) USERS=0 ; Maximum number of L2 sessions, 0 = no limit ENDPORT PORT PORTNUM=10 ; Optional but sets port number if stated ID=144.800Mhz FM Aprs ; Displayed by PORTS command TYPE=ASYNC ; Port is RS232 Com PROTOCOL=KISS ; TNC is used in KISS, JKISS or BPQKISS mode IPADDR= TCPPORT=8001 CHANNEL=B ; A for single channel TNC, A or B for multichannel NOKEEPALIVES=1 PERSIST=160 ; PERSIST=256/(# of transmitters-1) SLOTTIME=180 ; CMSA interval timer in milliseconds TXDELAY=270 ; Transmit keyup delay in milliseconds TXTAIL=23 ; TX key down, in milliseconds, at packet end QUALITY=0 ; Quality factor applied to node broadcasts heard on ; this port, unless overridden by a locked route ; entry. Setting to 0 stops node broadcasts MINQUAL=201 ; Entries in the nodes table with qualities greater or ; equal to MINQUAL will be sent on this port. A value ; of 0 sends everything. MAXFRAME=7 ; Max outstanding frames (1 thru 7) FRACK=5000 ; Level 2 timout in milliseconds RESPTIME=1000 ; Level 2 delayed ack timer in milliseconds RETRIES=25 ; Level 2 maximum retry value PACLEN=128 ; Default max packet length for this port UNPROTO=APBPQ1,WIDE1-1 ; BTEXT broadcast addrs format: DEST[,digi1[,digi2]] BCALL=PI1LAP-7 ; BTEXT call. unstated defaults to APPL1CALL L3ONLY=1 ; 1=No user downlink connects on this port DIGIFLAG=1 ; Digipeat: 0=OFF, 1=ALL, 255=UI Only DIGIPORT=0 ; Port on which to send digid frames (0 = same port) USERS=0 ; Maximum number of L2 sessions, 0 = no limit ENDPORT PORT PORTNUM=11 ID=Robust 600Baud ;(RPR and HF Packet) TYPE=EXTERNAL COMPORT=/dev/ttyTRK SPEED=38400 DRIVER=SCSTracker INTERLOCK=1 CONFIG **** M UISC O 4 ; MAXFRAME F 190 ; FRACK T 8 ; TX Delay FORCE ROBUST DEFAULT ROBUST ; Default mode is RP USEAPPLCALLS ; Accept connects to all APPLCALLS BEACONAFTERSESSION ; Beacon after session %L 1500 ; Centre Freq for Normal Packet (Default is 1500) @I 64 ; Paclen = 60 %T 1 ; TX Autotracking 1 = on %N 10 %B R600 ENDPORT ROUTES: ; Locked routes (31 maximum) ; CALLSIGN,QUALITY,PORT[,MAXFRAME,FRACK,PACLEN,INP3Enable] ; PD9Q-15,203,7,0,0,0,0 *** ; Denotes end of locked routes ;IPGATEWAY ; Adapter eth0 ; IPADDR ; IPNETMASK ; ;ENABLESNMP ;**** APRSDIGI DISTKM=1 APRSCall=PI1LAP-8 StatusMsg=PI1LAP-8 ARPS DIGI JO11VN ZLD Symbol=n ; Icon to display for station. Symset=/ ; This is a "B" in a Red Diamond. ; ; Specify a Dest Addreess and Path for each port you want to use for APRS. No dest means receive only port ; Ports without an APRSPath statement will not be used by the Digi ; ; Note if you specify APRS as the destination call it will be replaced by the current BPQ32 APRS ; identification destination - APBPQ1. If you really want to send APRS, specify APRS-0. ; APRSPath 1=APRS,WIDE1-1 ; Dest and up to 8 digis ; APRSPath 3=APRS,WIDE1-1 APRSPath 10=APRS,WIDE1-1 ; APRSPath 9=APRS,WIDE1-1 BeaconInterval=25 ; Send Beacon every 30 minute. Minimum is 5 mins MAXAGE=120 ; Define Crossport Digi. For each port, a list of ports to send a packet to (IS means send to APRS-IS) ; If a Digimap isnt specified for a port, digi out on the port the packet arrived on, ; and send to APRS-IS (if enabled) ; If you want to digi on same port, but not send to APRS-IS, Specify Digimap n=n ; If you dont want to digi on a port, specify Digimap n= ; ; If you only have one APRS port, you probably dont need a Digimap statement ; Digimap 1=1,IS ; Packets from 1 to 9, but not APRS-IS ; Digimap 3=3,IS Digimap 10=10,IS ; Digimap 9=9,IS ; Define Digipeating parameters TraceCalls=WIDE,TRACE ; Calls for CALLN-n Processing with Trace FloodCalls=NLD ; Calls for CALLN-n Processing without Trace DigiCalls=PI1LAP-8 ; Calls for Normal (ie no SSID manipulation) Digi ; For a Local "Fillin" Digi, you could include WIDE1-1 and leave out TraceCalls and FloodCalls ;ReplaceDigiCalls ; Replace DigiCalls with APRSCall. Omit if you want the call to be left as it is received. MaxTraceHops=2 ; Max value of n in CALLN-n processing. If a packet is received with n greater than MaxFloodHops=2 ; this, the value will be replaced BEFORE it is decremented. ; Specify position. You can specify a fixed LAT/LONG, or use GPS LAT=5133.52N ; Must be in standard APRS Format (ddmm.mmN/S) LON=00348.15E ; Must be in standard APRS Format (dddmm.mmE/W) GPSPort=/dev/ttyUSB0 ; if specified, lat/lon will be taken from a GPS, GPSSpeed=9600 ; overriding the values set above. ; The Digi can generate Object and Item reports. ; The format is pretty strict - a single space between param=value pairs, ; a comma but no spaces in PATH and PORT string. ; Minimum interval is 10 mins. You can have as many OBJECT lines as you need. ; See thr APRS specification for information on how to format an Object or Item string. ; OBJECT PATH=APRS,WIDE1-1 PORT=1 INTERVAL=10 TEXT=;PD9Q*111111z5133.52N/00348.15EIPD9Q-10 Linbpq APRS Station ; OBJECT PATH=APRS,WIDE1-1 PORT=3 INTERVAL=14 TEXT=;PI1LAP-8*111111z5133.52N/00348.15EIPI1LAP-8 ((Lin)bpq) APRS Station NLD OBJECT PATH=APRS,WIDE1-1 PORT=10 INTERVAL=16 TEXT=;PI1LAP-8*111111z5133.52N/00348.15EIPI1LAP-8 ((lin)BPQ) APRS Station NLD ; OBJECT PATH=APRS,WIDE1-1 PORT=2 INTERVAL=17 TEXT=;PI1LAP-10*111111z5133.52N/00348.15EIPI1LAP-10 ((Lin)BPQ) APRS Station ; IGATE Params. If specified you will gate RF packets and your beacons to APRS-IS ISHost=euro.aprs2.net ISPort=14580 ; Normal port for a filtered feed ISPasscode=**** ; If you dont already have a passcode I can issue you one ; ; You can specify a filter command to be sent when you log on to APRS-IS. Normally you dont ; need one. The APRS Mapping Application (BPQAPRS) sets a filter when it starts, ; and if you arent running an APRS application, there isnt much point in getting info from APRS-IS ; ;ISFilter=m/500 ; Filter Command if needed ; WXCall=PI1LAP-8 ; WXFileName=/home/pi/linbpq/current.txt ; WXComment=/PI1LAP-8 Weather Station JO11VN ; WXPortList=6,9,IS ; comma separated list - include IS to send to APRS-IS ; WXInterval=18 ; mins ; **** LINMAIL LINCHAT APPLICATION 1,BBS,,PI8LAP,LAPBBS,255 APPLICATION 2,CHAT,,PI1LAP-4,LAPCHT,255 APPLICATION 3,DXC,C 8 HOST 0 S,PI1LAP-2,LAPDXC,255 APPLICATION 4,RMS,C 8 CMS,PI8LAP-10,LAPRMS,255 ;APPLICATION 5,RMS,C 11 ON0SEA-10,PI8LAP-10,LAPRMS,255 APPLICATION 6,SYSINFO,C 8 HOST 1 S
Tag: linbpq
BPQ32 and Ardopcf
I’ve been running John G8BPQ’s ArdopC for a while now. Peter LaRue AI7YN has made a frok of ArdopC called ArdopCF.
I want to use QtSoundmodem at the same time as ArdopCF. For this I need to create a “.asoundrc” in my home directory.
pcm.dsnooped0 { type dsnoop ipc_key 50000 ipc_key_add_uid false # let multiple users share ipc_perm 0666 # IPC permissions for multi-user sharing (octal, default 0600) slave { pcm "hw:1,0" channels 1 } } pcm.dmix0 { type dmix ipc_key 60000 ipc_key_add_uid false # let multiple users share ipc_perm 0666 # IPC permissions for multi-user sharing (octal, default 0600) slave { pcm "hw:1,0" rate 48000 } } # Point ARDOP to ARDOP2IN and ARDOP2OUT for rate conversion pcm.ARDOP2IN {type rate slave {pcm "plug:dsnooped0" rate 48000}} pcm.ARDOP2OUT {type rate slave {pcm "plug:dmix0" rate 48000}} # combine the capture and playback pcm.asymwine { type asym playback.pcm "ARDOP2OUT" capture.pcm "ARDOP2IN" } # make a default plug for it pcm.!default { type plug slave.pcm "asymwine" } # define a plug for /dev/dsp pcm.dsp { type plug slave.pcm "asymwine" }
QtSoundModem config
[Init] CM108Addr= DispMode=1 DualChan=1 DualPTT=1 FLRigHost= FLRigPort=12345 HamLibHost= HamLibPort=4532 MinimizetoTray=0 PTT=HAMLIB PTTBAUD=19200 PTTMode=17 PTTOffString= PTTOnString= RXSampleRate=12000 SCO=1 SndRXDeviceName=:dsnooped0 SndTXDeviceName=:dmix0 SoundMode=0
pd9q@linux:~/ardop$ ./ardopcf 8515 ARDOP2IN ARDOP2OUT -A -G 8514 ardopcf Version (https://www.github.com/pflarue/ardop) Copyright (c) 2014-2024 Rick Muething, John Wiseman, Peter LaRue See https://github.com/pflarue/ardop/blob/master/LICENSE for licence details including information about authors of external libraries used and their licenses. ARDOPC listening on port 8515 Capture Devices Card 0, ID `PCH', name `HDA Intel PCH' Device hw:0,0 ID `ALC3234 Analog', name `ALC3234 Analog', 1 subdevices (0 available) Playback Devices Card 0, ID `PCH', name `HDA Intel PCH' Device hw:0,0 ID `ALC3234 Analog', name `ALC3234 Analog', 1 subdevices (0 available) Using Both Channels of soundcard for RX Using Both Channels of soundcard for TX Opening Playback Device ardopout Rate 12000 Opening Capture Device ardopin Rate 12000 ardopcf listening on port 8515 Webgui available at port 8514. Setting ProtocolMode to ARQ.
BPQ32 config
I use watchdog to monitor my RPI. Do services go offline or the RPI is not responding, watchdog kicks in and restart the system. Now I also want watchdog to watch my Linbpq. This is possible with watchdog, watchdog looks at a PID file. As far as I know, no PID file is created when starting Linbpq.
Now there is a possibility that when starting Linbpq with systemd a command can be given so that a PID file is created.
This is my linbpq.service file from systemd
pd9q@packet:~ $ sudo cat /etc/systemd/system/linbpq.service [Unit] Description=Linbpq Daemon After=network.target After=direwolf.target StartLimitInterval=0 [Service] Type=simple Restart=always RestartSec=5 ExecStartPost=/bin/sh -c "echo $MAINPID > /home/pd9q/linbpq/run/linbpq.pid" ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/pd9q/linbpq/linbpq.start WorkingDirectory=/home/pd9q/linbpq [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target Alias=linbpq.service
This command creates a linbpq.pid file, now it is possible that watchdog monitors linbpq.
ExecStartPost=/bin/sh -c "echo $MAINPID > /home/pd9q/linbpq/run/linbpq.pid"
pd9q@packet:~ $ sudo ls -l /home/pd9q/linbpq/run -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4 Oct 14 18:36 linbpq.pid pd9q@packet:~ $
At the end of my watchdog configuration file (/etc/watchdog.conf) I have added the following line.
# Check if Linbpq is running pidfile = /home/pd9q/linbpq/run/linbpq.pid
Take a look at what happens when you stop Linbpq.
sudo systemctl stop linbpq.service
Yes the system is ReBoOtInG (I hoop)
Xfbb interface with Linbpq
In bpq32.cfg add
This creates a DED Host mode TNC on device /home/pi/fbbded, accessible from the LinBPQ Node as Application 3. Change APPLMASK and APPLICATION line if you already use APPL 3
This allows uses to connect to FBB. You can add the usual Call, Alias and Quality if you want to be able to access FBB directly instead of via the Node.
Change APPLMASK and APPLICATION line if you already use APPL 3
In /usr/local/etc/ax25/fbb/port.sys#
# FBB7.0.8-beta8
#Ports TNCs
1 1
#Com Interface Adress (Hex) Baud
1 9 /home/pi/fbbded 9600
#TNC NbCh Com MultCh Pacln Maxfr NbFwd MxBloc M/P-Fwd Mode Freq 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00/01 —- File-fwd.
1 6 1 1 250 2 1 10 00/15 DUWYL 145
# End of file.
This tells fbb to use /home/pi/fbbded as a DED Mode TNC.
Bpq32 Log options
John G8BPQ has made it possible to move the log dir of linbpq and pilinbpq. Nice
I’ve uploaded versions of linbpq and pilinbpq to my beta download site
that allow you to move the log directory. Start with a command line
parameter of logdir=directory, eg../pilinbpq logdir=/dev/shm
You can download the new version here.
LinBPQ Applications Interface.
LinBPQ has a facility to make a tcp connection from the node to an application running on the same machine. This was originally intended to connect to a shell to enable basic configuration editing, but has been generalised to allow connects to other tcp ports, thus allowing you to write your own applications to be used with LinBPQ.
Henk, pointed out that there was something missing in this story. Nowadays we mainly work with Systemd in the newer version of Linux. So the inetd (internet super server) is no longer part of this. But you can still install it. “sudo apt-get install inetutils-inetd” or the successor to inetd the Xinetd “sudo apt-get install xinetd”
Thank you Henk…
Ok, that sounds nice. Let give it a try.
Fist setup Linbpq, add de “cmdport” to the telnet port section.
PORT PORTNUM=4 ; Optional but sets port number if stated ID=Telnet DRIVER=Telnet CONFIG CMS=1 CMSCALL=PI1LAP CMSPASS=********** LOGGING=1 DisconnectOnClose=1 CMDPORT 63000 TCPPORT=6309 FBBPORT=6306 HTTPPORT=**** LOGINPROMPT=User: PASSWORDPROMPT=Password: MAXSESSIONS=10 CTEXT=Welcome to PI1LAP`s Telnet Server.\nPress ? For list of commands \n\n USER=pd9q,pass,PD9Q,,SYSOP ENDPORT
I have add “CMDPORT 63000” but it can by any number.
Now add a Application at the end of de bpq32.cfg
Now we have to add some stuff to /etc/services and /etc/inetd.conf
# Local services bpqdemo 63000/tcp # BPQ Demo App
bpqdemo stream tcp nowait pd9q /usr/local/linbpq/testapp.pl
Now restart inetd. sudo killall -1 inetd
I have found a small script on the internet and make some adjustments.
This script is using some perl modules that has to be installed.
cpanm Linux::SysInfo cpanm Sys::Info cpanm Sys::Load cpanm Sys::MemInfo cpanm Sys::CpuLoad
The testapp.pl script. /usr/local/linbpq/testapp.pl
#!/usr/bin/perl -w -T # Simple information script 10/2018. PD9Q/PI1LAP use strict; use Sys::Info; use Sys::Info::Constants qw( :device_cpu ); use Sys::Load qw/getload uptime/; use Sys::MemInfo qw(totalmem freemem totalswap); use Sys::CpuLoad; my $info = Sys::Info->new; my $cpu = $info->device('CPU'); my $os = $info->os; my $old_fh = select(STDOUT); $| = 1; select($old_fh); my $line = <STDIN>; print "Hello " . $line . "Welcome to the LinBPQ System Info App of PI1LAP.\n"; printf "\nWe have %s ", scalar $cpu->count; printf "%s-bit CPU", scalar $cpu->bitness; printf " %s\n", scalar $cpu->identify; printf "The CPU speed is: %s\n\n", scalar $cpu->speed; print "Operating System is\n", $os->name( long => 1 ); print "\n\nSystem load: ", (getload())[0], "\n"; print "System uptime: ", int uptime(), "\n\n"; print 'load average: ', join(',', Sys::CpuLoad::load()), "\n\n"; print "Total memory: ".(&totalmem / 1024)."\n"; print "Free memory: ".(&freemem / 1024)."\n"; print "Total swap: ".(&totalswap / 1024)."\n"; print "Free swap: ".(Sys::MemInfo::get("freeswap") / 1024)."\n\n"; print "Type exit to close\n"; while( my $line = <STDIN> ) { $line =~ s/\r?\n$//; if ($line =~ /exit/) { die "shutting down, bye,bye\n"; } # do your processing here! print " $line\n"; }
Now we can run the script from linbpq. Let give it a try.
root@gw:/usr/local/linbpq# telnet localhost 6309 Trying ::1... Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. User:pd9q Password: Welcome to PI1LAP`s Telnet Server. Press ? For list of commands app Connected to APP Hello PD9Q Welcome to the LinBPQ System Info App of PI1LAP. We have 1 32-bit CPU Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.00GHz The CPU speed is: 2992.432 Operating System is Debian Linux 8.10 (kernel: 3.16.0-4-686-pae) System load: 0.07 System uptime: 1211163 load average: 0.07,0.04,0.00 Total memory: 2062392 Free memory: 440452 Total swap: 2783228 Free swap: 2745472 Type exit to close exit shutting down, bye,bye Returned to Node LAPBPQ:PI1LAP-9
LinBPQ with Winmor port.
With the help of the config file of Jerry, N9LYA and some help from John, G8BPQ I have setup a Winmor port on my Linbpq.I use a Microham USB II as soundcard device connected to my Windows PC and a direct Cat kabel from my Linux PC to control the TRX.
Here is the section for the Winmor port. (BPQ32.CFG)
PORT PORTNUM=2 ID=HF WINMOR TYPE=EXTERNAL PROTOCOL=WINMOR DLLNAME=WINMOR.DLL ; INTERLOCK=6 QUALITY=0 CONFIG ADDR 18500 PTT CAT PATH REMOTE:C:\WINMOR\WINMOR TNC.EXE RIGCONTROL /dev/ttyUSB0 4800 Yaesu FT100 7,7.050,USB,W2 7,14.110,USB,W2 **** WL2KREPORT PUBLIC, api.winlink.org, 80, PI1LAP-10, JO11VN, 00-23, 7051500, WINMOR1600, 25, 50, 0, 360 WL2KREPORT PUBLIC, api.winlink.org, 80, PI1LAP-10, JO11VN, 00-23, 14111500, WINMOR1600, 25, 50, 0,360 WL2KREPORT PUBLIC, api.winlink.org, 80, PI1LAP-10, JO11VN, 00-23, 430950000, PKT9600, 10, 60, 9, 0 WL2KREPORT PUBLIC, api.winlink.org, 80, PI1lAP-10, JO11VN, 00-23, 144850000, PKT1200, 10, 60, 9, 0 CWID TRUE DEBUGLOG True BW 1600 DRIVELEVEL 100 MODE AUTO ROBUST False SHOW True BUSYLOCK False BUSYHOLD 5 BUSYWAIT 12 ENDPORT
[WINMOR TNC Form] ResponseDelay=300 LeaderExtension=0 Disable=False Waterfall=True Spectrum=False Top=22 Left=22 MyCallsign=PI1LAP-10 Registration= TCP Control Port=8500 MyGridsquare=JO11VN StartMinimized=False DebugLog=True CommandTrace=False CaptureDevice=Lijningang (High Definition Audio-apparaat)-61 PlaybackDevice=Luidsprekers (High Definition Audio-apparaat)-e9 TCP Address=
Winmor Status screen from Linbpq
Tnx for the help Jerry and John.
DireWolf/Linpq with Systemd.
I have a bad time behind me, I have had a lot of arguments with Systemd to start DireWolf and Linpq when booting 🙂
If you like Systemd, you can read some about it here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Systemd
I want Linbpq to run under /dev/tty2 and DireWolf under /dev/tty3. This is because if I login remotely I can view the monitor from DireWolf with “conspy”. “conspy 3” Hit esc a few times to leave conspy.
Systemd does not want to accept the start line with >/dev/tty3 &
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/direwolf -c /home/pd9q/direwolf.conf -l /home/pd9q/direwolf.log >/dev/tty3
This upper start line does not work.
So I had to come up with something else for that. So i wrote a start file. “direwolf.start”
cd /usr/local/bin ./direwolf -c /home/pd9q/direwolf.conf -l /home/pd9q/direwolf.log >/dev/tty3
Now i wrote a unit file to start DireWolf on boot.
[Unit] Description=DireWolf Deamon After=network.target After=sound.target After=syslog.target [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/pd9q/linbpq/direwolf.start [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target Alias=direwolf.service
Now DireWolf is starting very nice on /dev/tty3
pd9q@packet:~ $ systemctl status direwolf.service ● direwolf.service - DireWolf Deamon Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/direwolf.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Wed 2018-09-12 10:58:51 UTC; 1h 18min ago Main PID: 463 (bash) CGroup: /system.slice/direwolf.service ├─463 /bin/bash /home/pd9q/linbpq/direwolf.start └─474 ./direwolf -c /home/pd9q/direwolf.conf -l /home/pd9q/direwolf.log Sep 12 10:58:51 packet systemd[1]: Started DireWolf Deamon. pd9q@packet:~ $
I had the same problem with Linbpq, which I solved in the same way.
Linbpq start file “runbpq”
cd /home/pd9q/linbpq sudo ./linbpq >/dev/tty2
The unit file “linbpq.service”
[Unit] Description=Linbpq Daemon After=network.target After=direwolf.target StartLimitInterval=0 [Service] Type=simple Restart=always RestartSec=5 ExecStart=/bin/bash /home/pd9q/linbpq/runbpq WorkingDirectory=/home/pd9q/linbpq [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target Alias=linbpq.service
Ok, let’s see if it is running
pd9q@packet:~ $ systemctl status linbpq.service ● linbpq.service - Linbpq Daemon Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/linbpq.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Wed 2018-09-12 10:58:51 UTC; 1h 23min ago Main PID: 464 (bash) CGroup: /system.slice/linbpq.service ├─464 /bin/bash /home/pd9q/linbpq/runbpq ├─473 sudo ./linbpq └─501 ./linbpq Sep 12 12:13:36 packet LINBPQ[501]: BPQ32 Heartbeat Buffers 102 Sep 12 12:14:31 packet LINBPQ[501]: BPQ32 Heartbeat Buffers 99 Sep 12 12:15:27 packet LINBPQ[501]: BPQ32 Heartbeat Buffers 102 Sep 12 12:16:22 packet LINBPQ[501]: BPQ32 Heartbeat Buffers 102 Sep 12 12:17:17 packet LINBPQ[501]: BPQ32 Heartbeat Buffers 102 Sep 12 12:18:12 packet LINBPQ[501]: BPQ32 Heartbeat Buffers 100 Sep 12 12:19:07 packet LINBPQ[501]: BPQ32 Heartbeat Buffers 102 Sep 12 12:20:03 packet LINBPQ[501]: BPQ32 Heartbeat Buffers 102 Sep 12 12:20:58 packet LINBPQ[501]: BPQ32 Heartbeat Buffers 102 Sep 12 12:21:53 packet LINBPQ[501]: BPQ32 Heartbeat Buffers 102 pd9q@packet:~ $
Now have a look at /dev/tty2 “conspy 2”
G8BPQ AX25 Packet Switch System Version July 2018 Copyright ▒ 2001-2018 John Wiseman G8BPQ Current Directory is /home/pd9q/linbpq Configuration file Preprocessor. Using Configuration file /home/pd9q/linbpq/bpq32.cfg Conversion (probably) successful PORTS 1d9784 LINKS 1dce14 DESTS 1dfc58 ROUTES 1f9c58 L4 1fd058 BUFFERS 22f170 Initialising Port 01 TCPKISS IP Port 8001 Chan A Initialising Port 02 AXIP Initialising Port 03 Telnet Server Initialising Port 04 Loopback
SCS Tracker TNC and new BPQ32 Node
Sample config file based on a system off John, kx4o.
------------------------------- LOCATOR=FM18 NODECALL=W4VPN NODEALIAS=VAPN IDMSG: ; UI broadcast text from NODECALL to fixed dest ID This is the IDMSG text. *** ; Denotes end of IDMSG text BTEXT: ; UI broadcast text from BCALL to destination UNPROTO= This is the BTEXT text. *** ; Denotes end of BTEXT text INFOMSG: ; The INFO command text follows: This is the INFOMSG text. *** ; Denotes end of INFOMSG text CTEXT: ; The CTEXT text follows: Minimal VAPN BPQ32 installation successful. VAPN:W4VPN} CONNECT BYE INFO NODES ROUTES PORTS USERS MHEARD *** ; Denotes end of CTEXT text FULL_CTEXT=0 ; 0=send CTEXT to L2 connects to NODEALIAS only ; 1=send CTEXT to all connectees ; Network System Parameters: OBSINIT=6 ; Initial obsolescence set when a node is included ; in a received nodes broadcast. This value is then ; decremented by 1 every NODESINTERVAL. OBSMIN=4 ; When the obsolescence of a node falls below this ; value that node`s information is not included in ; a subsequent nodes broadcast. NODESINTERVAL=60 ; Nodes broadcast interval in minutes IDINTERVAL=0 ; 'IDMSG' UI broadcast interval in minutes, 0=OFF BTINTERVAL=0 ; The BTEXT broadcast interval in minutes, 0=OFF L3TIMETOLIVE=25 ; Max L3 hops L4RETRIES=3 ; Level 4 retry count L4TIMEOUT=60 ; Level 4 timeout in seconds s/b > FRACK x RETRIES L4DELAY=10 ; Level 4 delayed ack timer in seconds L4WINDOW=4 ; Level 4 window size MAXLINKS=63 ; Max level 2 links MAXNODES=512 ; Max nodes in nodes table MAXROUTES=64 ; Max adjacent nodes MAXCIRCUITS=128 ; Max L4 circuits MINQUAL=168 ; Minimum quality to add to nodes table ; INP3 Routing is experimental. The two parms which follow will be ignored ; unless activated in the ROUTES: section. MAXHOPS=4 ; INP3 hop limit to add to tables MAXRTT=90 ; INP3 max RTT in seconds ;BUFFERS=255 ; This parameter is no longer used in the Win32 version. ; BPQ32 allocates an adequate number automatically. ; I have the line commented out just to remind me it`s gone!! ; TNC default parameters: PACLEN=127 ; Max packet size (236 max for net/rom) ; 236 is suitable for reliable and fast connections, such ; as AX/IP/UDP or a dedicated 9600 RF Link ; 120 is suitable for a typical shared VHF packet radio connection ; PACLEN is defined for each port individually in the ports sections TRANSDELAY=1 ; Transparent node send delay in seconds ; Level 2 Parameters: ; T1 (FRACK), T2 (RESPTIME) and N2 (RETRIES) are now in the PORTS section T3=120 ; Link validation timer in seconds IDLETIME=720 ; Idle link shutdown timer in seconds ; Configuration Options: AUTOSAVE=1 ; Saves BPQNODES.dat upon program exit BBS=1 ; 1 = BBS support included, 0 = No BBS support NODE=1 ; Include switch support HIDENODES=1 ; If set to 1, nodes beginning with a # ; require a 'N *' command to be displayed. /* The *** LINKED command is intended for use by gateway software, and concern has been expressed that it could be misused. It is recommended that it be disabled (=N) if unneeded. */ ENABLE_LINKED=N ; Controls processing of *** LINKED command ; Y = allows unrestricted use ; A = allows use by application program ; N = disabled /* AX25 port definitions: The LOOPBACK port simulates a connection by looping input to output. To test, start BPQTerminal and enter: 'C 1 MYNODE via MYCALL' In this example '1' is the LOOPBACK port number. The LOOPBACK port is provided for testing purposes and would rarely be included in an established system. */ ; LOOPPACK Port Specification #PORT # PORTNUM=1 ; Optonal but sets port number if stated # ID=LOOPBACK ; Defines the Loopback port name # TYPE=INTERNAL ; Loopback is an internal type #ENDPORT ; SCS Tracker Port Specification PORT PORTNUM=1 ID=HF 30m Port COMPORT=/dev/tnc-30m; COM Port Address SPEED=38400; COM Port Speed DRIVER=TRKMULTI QUALITY=0 ;Setting to 0 stops node broadcasts on this port MINQUAL=168 MHEARD=N ;MAXFRAME=2 ;Max outstanding frames (1 thru 7) ;RESPTIME=1000 ;Level 2 delayed ack timer in milliseconds ;RETRIES=2 ;Level 2 maximum retry value PACLEN=200 ;Max = 236 if using NETROM links ;TXDELAY=500 ;Pretty quick TX/RX radio ;TXTAIL=300 ; CONFIG ; Driver-Specific Configuration ;DEBUGLOG 1 PACKETCHANNELS 5 ; Limit to 5 simultaneous connections R 0 ; Digipeating OFF F 600 ; T1 - FRACK: in 10mS steps. @T2 0 ; T2 - RESPDELAYTIME: in 10mS steps. @T3 30000 ; T3 - Sign of life timer in 10mS steps N 10 ; RETRY: Setting to 10 O 7 ; MAXFRAME T 25 ; TXDELAY: Setting to 1/4 second (25 * 10ms) P 32 ; PERSISTENCE (p) (default 32 of 255) W 10 ; Slottime in milliconds (default 10) %N 0 ; TXTAIL - in 10ms increments. ; Comment out the desired speed. %B R300 ; 1200 is the poweron default, so setting to R300 ; ;%F 1700 ; For HFPacket only and should only be used if not using 1700 default. %L 1500 ; For RPR only. Lately required since this doesn`t always default to 1500. ;%XA 880 ; Set 300/1200 output amplitude to 3 kHz Peak deviation per measurement. ;%XF 1600 ; Set 9600/19k2 output amplitude to 400 mV PP per ID-880H manual. %XR 900 ; Set RPR output amplitude in mV for TS-480 Menu #40 = 1. ;%XR 200 ; Set RPR output amplitude in mV for TS-480 Menu #40 = 4. ENDPORT ; SCS Tracker Port Specification PORT PORTNUM=2 ID=VHF 2m Port COMPORT=/dev/tnc-02m; COM Port Address SPEED=38400; COM Port Speed DRIVER=TRKMULTI QUALITY=0 ;Setting to 0 stops node broadcasts on this port MINQUAL=168 MHEARD=N ;MAXFRAME=2 ;Max outstanding frames (1 thru 7) ;RESPTIME=1000 ;Level 2 delayed ack timer in milliseconds ;RETRIES=2 ;Level 2 maximum retry value PACLEN=128 ;Max = 236 if using NETROM links ;TXDELAY=500 ;Pretty quick TX/RX radio ;TXTAIL=300 ; CONFIG ; Driver-Specific Configuration ;DEBUGLOG 1 PACKETCHANNELS 5 ; Limit to 5 simultaneous connections R 0 ; Digipeating OFF F 500 ; T1 - FRACK: in 10mS steps. @T2 0 ; T2 - RESPDELAYTIME: in 10mS steps. @T3 18000 ; T3 - Sign of life timer in 10mS steps N 10 ; RETRY: Setting to 10 O 7 ; MAXFRAME: Setting to 7 T 50 ; TXDELAY: Setting to 1/2 second (50 * 10ms) P 32 ; Persistence (p) (default 32) W 10 ; Slottime in milliconds (default 10) %N 0 ; TXTAIL - in 10ms increments. ; Comment out the desired speed. %B 1200 ; 1200 is the poweron default, but setting it anyway. ;%B 9600 ; 9600 ; %F 2000 ; I assume this has no effect on 1200 mode, but setting anyway.. %XA 880 ; Set 300/1200 output amplitude to 3 kHz Peak deviation per measurement. %XF 1600 ; Set 9600/19k2 output amplitude to 400 mV PP per ID-880H manual. %E 2 ; Set lower tone in 1200 mode (fw 1.5s) to 1/2 voltage 6 dB down from high. ENDPORT ;; Test of KISS ;PORT ; PORTNUM=2 ; Optional but sets port number if stated ; ID=BPQ 145.030 MHz ; Displayed by PORTS command ; TYPE=ASYNC ; Port is RS232 `; PROTOCOL=KISS ; TNC is used in KISS or JKISS mode ;; The KISSOPTIONS statement should not be included for KISS or JKISS tnc`s. ;; See ..\RelatedFiles\KissRoms\KissRoms.zip for details. ;; KISSOPTIONS=CHECKSUM,ACKMODE ; Using BPQKISS eprom w/o polling ; FULLDUP=0 ; Only meaningful for KISS devices ; ;IOADDR=1 ; 1 = SERIAL PORT COM1 ETC. ; COMPORT=/dev/ttyUSB0; COM Port Address ; SPEED=38400; COM Port Speed ; CHANNEL=A ; A for single channel TNC, A or B for multichannel ; PERSIST=64 ; PERSIST=256/(# of transmitters-1) ; SLOTTIME=100 ; CMSA interval timer in milliseconds ; TXDELAY=300 ; Transmit keyup delay in milliseconds ; TXTAIL=30 ; TX key down, in milliseconds, at packet end ; QUALITY=192 ; Quality factor applied to node broadcasts heard on ; ; this port, unless overridden by a locked route ; ; entry. Setting to 0 stops node broadcasts ; MINQUAL=168 ; Entries in the nodes table with qualities greater or ; ; equal to MINQUAL will be sent on this port. A value ; ; of 0 sends everything. ; FRACK=8000 ; Level 2 timout in milliseconds ; RESPTIME=1500 ; Level 2 delayed ack timer in milliseconds ; RETRIES=10 ; Level 2 maximum retry value ; MAXFRAME=2 ; Max outstanding frames (1 thru 7) ; PACLEN=120 ; Default max packet length for this port. ; ; PACLEN is ignored for APRS packets ; UNPROTO=APBQ1 ; BTEXT broadcast addrs format: DEST[,digi1[,digi2]] ; ;BCALL=A1ABC-14 ; BTEXT call. Unstated defaults to NODECALL ; L3ONLY=0 ; 1=No user downlink connects on this port ; DIGIFLAG=0 ; Digipeat: 0=OFF, 1=ALL, 255=UI Only ; DIGIPORT=0 ; Port on which to send digi`d frames (0 = same port) ; USERS=0 ; Maximum number of L2 sessions, 0 = no limit ;ENDPORT PORT PORTNUM=3 ID=Telnet Server DRIVER=Telnet CONFIG LOGGING=1 DisconnectOnClose=1 TCPPORT=8010 FBBPORT=8015 HTTPPORT=8080 LOGINPROMPT=user: PASSWORDPROMPT=password: MAXSESSIONS=10 CMS=1 CMSCALL=CMSCALL ; CMS Access Callsign (with SSID if used) CMSPASS=CMSPASSWD ; Secure CMS Password CTEXT=Welcome to W4VPN's Telnet Server\nEnter ? for list of commands\n\n USER=John,somepass1,KX4O,"",SYSOP USER=Mark,somepass2,KD6AKC,"",SYSOP USER=Logan,somepass3,KJ4FAJ USER=JohnBBS,somepass4,kx4o,BBS USER=ANON,somepass5 ENDPORT LINMAIL LINCHAT APPLICATION 1,BBS,,W4VPN-2,VPNBBS,255 APPLICATION 2,CHAT,,W4VPN-3,VPNCHT,255 APPLICATION 3,CMS,C 3 CMS,CMSCALL,BPQCMS,255 -------------------------------
Jeff have made some comments about it.
On HF I`d recommend starting with a maxframe other than 7. With the Tracker`s intelligence I found it best to start connections on HF with a conservative value of maxframe = 1 then let the modem ramp things up if band/link conditions support it. Also suggest keeping a few hundred ms of @T2 in there to help slower radios. Obviously VHF/UIHF is a different story, but suggest load testing different values and being careful if you`re going to have users with the Tasco (D72, D74, D700, D710 or KISS mode TNCs with no/minimal buffering connecting in. Be sure to test with transfers both ways and large enough (at least 7-8kb on the link) to bring buffering issues to light or nasty surprises may lurk. 73 Jeff WA4ZKO
Direwolf to LinBPQ config
John WQ6N has found a solution for direwolf and Linbpq that works very well for HF.
/etc/direwolf/direwolf.conf ADEVICE plughw:1,0 ACHANNELS 1 CHANNEL 0 MODEM 300 2130:2230 D SERIALKISS /dev/ptyp0 19200 KISSPORT 0 DWAIT 0 SLOTTIME 12 PERSIST 63 TXDELAY 40 TXTAIL 10 FIX_BITS 1 AX25 LOGDIR /var/log/direwolf
/linbpq/bpq32.cfg (HFGW Port) PORT PORTNUM=XX ; Optional but sets port number if stated ID=BPQ HFGW ; Displayed by PORTS command TYPE=ASYNC ; Port is RS232 Com PROTOCOL=KISS ; TNC is used in KISS, JKISS or BPQKISS mode FULLDUP=0 ; Only meaningful for KISS, JKISS or BPQKISS devices COMPORT=/dev/ttyp0 SPEED=19200 ; RS232 COM PORT SPEED CHANNEL=A ; A for single channel TNC, A or B for multichannel NOKEEPALIVES=1 PERSIST=63 ; PERSIST=256/(# of transmitters-1) SLOTTIME=120 ; CMSA interval timer in milliseconds TXDELAY=300 ; Transmit keyup delay in milliseconds TXTAIL=100 ; TX key down, in milliseconds, at packet end QUALITY=0 ; Quality factor applied to node broadcasts heard on MINQUAL=0 ; Entries in the nodes table with qualities greater or MAXFRAME=1 ; Max outstanding frames (1 thru 7) FRACK=5000 ; Level 2 timout in milliseconds RESPTIME=1000 ; Level 2 delayed ack timer in milliseconds RETRIES=15 ; Level 2 maximum retry value PACLEN=60 ; Default max packet length for this port UNPROTO=<URNODE> ; BTEXT broadcast addrs format: DEST[,digi1[,digi2]] BCALL=<URCALL-SSID> ; BTEXT call. unstated defaults to APPL1CALL L3ONLY=0 ; 1=No user downlink connects on this port DIGIFLAG=0 ; Digipeat: 0=OFF, 1=ALL, 255=UI Only DIGIPORT=0 ; Port on which to send digi'd frames (0 = same port) USERS=0 ; Maximum number of L2 sessions, 0 = no limit ENDPORT
journalctl -o cat -af -u direwolf Opened /dev/ptyp0 for serial port KISS. KISS protocol set TXDELAY = 30 (*10mS units = 300 mS), port 0 KISS protocol set Persistence = 63, port 0 KISS protocol set SlotTime = 12 (*10mS units = 120 mS), port 0 KISS protocol set TXtail = 10 (*10mS units = 100 mS), port 0 KISS protocol set FullDuplex = 0, port 0